Fourteenth Drabble - Ashe (Ancient Egypt featuring Teen Kohmus)

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The young male had been acting oddly of late. Ashe couldn't quite figure out what bothered Kohmus so, never having seen him act so in the years he had known him, watched him grow from child to adult. It didn't seem to be bad, simply confusing, thus he was willing to wait until Kohmus came to him. It was obvious that he would eventually, the frequent glances at him as he wore the form of Nephthys made that clear even to Ashe.

When it finally happened, Kohmus seemed to find it difficult to start the conversation, so Nephthys simply commented upon the obvious, "Something is on your mind."

"Yes. My friend, I have mentioned her, Nefert." Kohmus paused for a time and Nephthys nodded, the shadows swirling about as she waited for the male to speak again about the female that had joined the dancers. "I have...I think..." He trailed off, seeming caught in his words.

"I haven't seen you tongue-tied since your coronation," a small flicker of warmth grew in the entities chest as Nephthys recalled the day, the edges of her lips curving the slightest bit upward in fondness.

Kohmus groaned at the remembrance and shook his head, "I...Nefert she is, special to me. And mother, I want to know what you think? How does one tell if someone they have come to care for and beloved wishes the same for them? That she...not be afraid if she doesn't want me that she has nothing to fear because of my position."

The shock of hearing the nineteen-year-old male both admit his love for this female and also call her mother, reminding Ashe of the times he had called her mom in the past. Still, Nephthys pushed her thoughts back for a moment to ask, "You've come to love her?"

"Yes, yes I have. Not like a friend or family member but like a lover."

Nephthys took a moment to consider the idea of 'her child' loving a human female. She would have to make sure the dancer was worthy of Kohmus' love, was someone who would not take his heart and shatter it with betrayal. Yes, Nephthys would have to test Nefert's worth somehow.

"If you love her and she is worthy, then I shall support your relationship with her," Nephthys stated.

What went unsaid was how the dancer would be tested. Best to wait until after it was complete and tell Kohmus if she could approve of the female or not. There was no need to worry the boy at this time. No, her son did not need to know and chance him somehow altering the results of the test.

In the back of her mind, Nephthys wondered why it felt like time was passing too quickly for once, wishing it to slow down. Her boy was growing up far faster than she cared for. Where had the small boy gone that she had once tugged at her clothing, begging to be lifted up and held? How could he already have grown enough to be talking about love beyond friends and family?

Later, as Ashe sat in his office, he stared at a sketch upon his wall and wondered if this Nefert would be as accepting of 'Nephthys' as Kohmus was. Had Kohmus ever talked to her about the deity he considered another parental figure? If so, did she find it disturbing that he was so close to a death god? Would she want Nephthys to become as distant a figure in Kohmus' life as she was in other's lives, only there when their time had come to an end?

Was he even capable of staying away, if Kohmus claimed this woman and she did want such? Or would Ashe find himself slipping into the boy's life whenever the female was not around, like some secret to be hidden from the eyes of others?

For that matter, would the female even be able to see the form of Nephthys, to see the shadows coiling upon the ground as the deity stood there beside her son in all but blood? Or would she simply feel the cold that surrounded Ashe in all his forms, even in the heat of the desert's hottest days?

Ahh, but such worries were baseless until the tests could be given and Ashe find out if there was even anything to worry about. Even if he knew from experience that all mothers worried about their children, especially when it came to love. Nyx had once worried about him often, although after a few centuries the worry had faded. He doubted he would have enough time for his own worries to fully fade away.

This drabble was the second one for a collaboration event with AssassinPsyche who has posted Kohmus' POV in her own drabble book. You can find that book by either going to her story page or clicking this link and finding the corresponding chapter.

Yes, this drabble is canon for Ashe but no, you don't have to read Sands of Time to enjoy Heart of Ashes. It just makes certain mentions of Kohmus and/or Egypt have a bit more meaning to them. (Although, I would recommend the story since it is very enjoyable.)

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