Chapter 8- Changing

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*I'm dedicating this chapter to Willythecat because she said this was her favorite book and that means so much to me!*

Alex's POV

When I woke up in the morning, I realized I was in a giant room with dark red coloring. It reminded me of the color of blood and that made my stomach do flips just thinking about it. My stomach then clenched and I instantly looked down at it, rubbing it to ease the tension I was feeling. It was an odd feeling, nothing that I've ever felt before.

Lifting my cast out from under the covers, I managed to stand myself up and glance around the room. I began thinking of how I even trusted them to take me back here last night. How could I have just let my only chance of freedom slip away like that?

I had even bigger questions on my mind like how Zayn couldn't heal me last night, or how they had a hospital in Or should I say castle? I'm not sure what this building is, but I can assume it's fairly large.

I walked over to the window and looked down, realizing that instead of being on the second floor, I was on maybe the 4th? vampires they are.

I then proceeded to the double doors and twisted the one knob, opening the door and looking out into the hallway. This room seemed to be the only one on this floor so I went left and down a flight of red carpeted steps. Was everything in this place the color of blood?!

I walked to the end of the flight of steps and walked into what looked like a living room. When I walked further in, I saw all of the boys on the couch watching the TV. The floor made a creaking noise and all of their heads snapped in my direction.

"Hey Alex! How're you feeling?" Louis beamed. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at the ground.

"What's the matter?" Liam asked.

"...I want to talk...about this whole situation." I watched as the boys glance at one another.

"...Uh sure." Zayn spoke. Niall patted the spot next to him and I sat there.

"So...I don't understand how all of you can't use your powers more than once."

"It's different with a mate. We can only use it on you so long. We did research it and we have asked our witch friend about it, and it seems that's just the way it works. There's no way around it pretty much." Niall told me.

"So you can use it multiple times on someone else?" They nodded their heads.

"And what about this house? Why is it so big?" They all laughed and Louis replied, "It's a castle sweetheart. We have everything here. There's a giant kitchen, we have the hospital wing as you've been to, and there's a lot more that we'd be willing to show you sometime." I nodded my head and then looked back at the floor.

"...and what about this whole bonding thing?" I mumbled. I heard a couple of them suck in a sharp breath. "Can you just tell me so I know?"

Zayn sighed and said, "Babe, I understand that this is scary for you. It's okay to be scared, we'll be there for you alright?"

"What are you going to do?" I asked quietly.

"We told you when you first got here that yes, we do each have to bite you. But, there is a second part to the mating process, and we don't need to worry about that for a while so we just have to worry about getting the first part done." Harry said.

I didn't want them to bite me.

"Will it hurt...when you bite me?"

"Honestly, yes. It will hurt and it will feel horrible, but I promise we'll get you through it," Liam smiled.

I nodded my head and stared at my feet. Remember that queasy feeling I had in my stomach earlier? Well it was coming back and it was coming back much worse.

"Alex, what's wrong?" Niall asked,his eyebrows creased in confusion.

"Nothing." I said as I gritted my teeth and held my stomach.

"Babe, it's not nothing. You have to tell us." Louis replied, coming to my side.

"My stomach keeps hurting. I've never felt something like it before." I let a few tears escape the corner of my eyes and grasped onto Louis.


"AGHHHHHHH!" Alex shrieked and she fell to the floor, curled in a fetal position.

"Oh my god. Guys call Lou...I don't know what's happening to her." I said while picking up Alex and holding her to my chest. Liam ran off to go and dial Lou, while the other boys and I laid her onto the couch.

"Louis, it hurts so badly!" Alex cried to me.

"'s okay baby girl. We'll get you fixed, I promise, okay?" Alex nodded her head and continued sobbing into her arms.

Liam came back into the room with Lou (Teasdale) trailing behind.

"Oh my- is she okay?" Lou asked looking at us.

"Not at the moment obviously," I said and rolled my eyes.

"Don't get sassy with me Louis..." she glared back. "I couldn't wait to meet your mate..I just wish I met her in a better way." Lou walked towards Alex and gently grabbed her hand and started mumbling, "Sagae boni, id me hodie prostant intelligit quaestionem istam feminam."

Lou held her hand for another ten seconds and then released. "She needs to be mated soon. Her body is feeling the spell of bonding, but because you haven't bitten her, it can't reform into the physical change of the process."

"English please?" Harry asked.

"Her body is trying to change, but you haven't bitten her and she hasn't been given blood, so it's putting her in pain."

"We need to bite her soon? But she isn't ready," Zayn mumbled sharply.

"Well, she's ready physically, maybe not mentally. Why don't you guys just take her to one of your rooms and have her rest. I'll cast a healing spell on her so she's not feeling it anymore, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you so much Lou," Niall said and went to hug her.

I picked Alex up and brought her into my room, laying her on my bed and then kissing her forehead.

"You'll be okay...just like I promised."

"...Thank you," she mumbled. I went to go back to the living room when I heard her quiet voice whisper, "Will you stay with me?" I smiled and went to go lay down next her, holding her in my arms and whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

A/N AWHHH. So how has everyone been? I kind of have the next couple of chapters planned out, but what would you like to see happen in the upcoming chapters!? Make sure to vote! Love you all!!! xoxo-Kaylee

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