Tenth Chocolate

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At the age of eleven, she stops baking for everyone. Not because she becomes uninterested with that hobby, but because she is going to leave in Gracefield.

First week of October, Isabella told her that she would go on her foster home, together with her foster parents on her birthday, which is on October 14. When that announcement reverberated through her ears, she had mixed feelings about it. As an orphan, it would be good news to her because she wanted to have parents as well. Notwithstanding, she felt empty. Especially when Ray popped out through her mind. He was always with her — which leads to an attachment on him. She would miss the other kids but Ray was a different case for her.

She didn't have a choice but to crack a smile and thanked Mama.

After that talk, Mama also announced it before they had dinner. Everyone was shocked, particularly when she said that she would leave on the exact day when she was born. They grunted about the cake she've promised to them when that day came and also, they would miss her food and also, herself. Hearing those words, she was unaware that a tear formed, rolling through her cheek. Ray linked his hands through the older girl and excused themselves in order to calm her down on the secluded place.

"I'm sorry, Abi." he apologized of all sudden. He averted his gaze from the girl unto the wooden table. He can't spill the fact that they're in a different kind of orphanage because it will ruin their relationship in this short amount of time.

It's also too sudden for him since she's one of the people who always have full marks on their daily tests. He thought he still has a year to watch her progress in her hobby. A year to spend time with her.

Abigail calmed herself down a little. Those moments in the dining area really clicked to her that she didn't want to leave this place. She will miss everything.

"Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault that I'll leave in this house." she said while wiping the fine cloth through her lids.

Ray's lips formed a frown, which made Abi perplexed on his transparency of emotion. "You will understand once you stepped out of the gates."

"Stepped out of the gates? What are you talking about?"

"Nothing. I was also as wrecked as you." He answered vaguely. His gaze lingered unto her sad ones and admitted, "I will miss you, Abi."

"I don't know what are you talking about just now but I'll miss you too, Ray. Thank you for everything."

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