Chapter Ten: Operation Top Secret

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I can't just sit here and just do my job! I can't expect them to just get those documents anytime soon! I thought. I picked up my phone and called my cousin.

"Hey Ariana, I need your help with something important," I said.

"How about we talk at the capital," She said.
"Okay then let's go," I said.

I put my uniform on, and drove to the capital.


"What's up?" She asked.

"I need to get into the investigation department," I said.

"The investigations department? Oh I have the keys for the door," Ariana said.

"The guards won't stop us as well. They know me," I said.

The power was off and we went straight to the investigation department.


"So have you found any information about Lily and her friends?" I asked.

She stopped, "No I haven't. It's been difficult to find her because the files are about other countries. I feel like the military is hiding things from me. I can feel it," Isabella said.

"I didn't hear anything in communications when you sent me over there to get some information. I didn't hear anyone talk about the organization named Eclipse. It's like it's not even there," I said.

"What is this Eclipse you speak of?" Someone asked. 

Me and Isabella jumped to the sudden differences in voice. We turned around and saw the president behind us.

"President August Kimblee... what are you doing here sir?" Isabella asked, saluting.

"At ease. I can ask the same of you."

"We needed to get somethings I need for the case files that you gave me."

"I see. Make it quick," President Kimblee said.

"Yes Sir!"

"I best be on my way than. By the way Major Martinez is here as well. Goodnight Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel," President Kimblee said.

We saluted to him and continued to the investigations department.



"I was hoping that William wasn't here," I said.

"How come?" Ariana asked.

"He was the head of the investigations department before he joined my team. He will get in our way," I said. "We have to do this quickly and quietly."

Why are you here William?  I thought. We pulled out our guns and entered the room.

"Clear," Ariana said.

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