Chapter Twenty-Seven: Operation Action (Yovany's Team)

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"I hope we are going the right way..." William said.

"I'm sure that it's this way to the office," Yovany said.

Yovany lead the group through the sewers and William followed in the back watching behind. Me and Matthias stayed in the middle. It was silent until we got to the lid that we had to enter in. On the larger desk there was a picture of Emanuel and someone else. He was standing next to someone that look familiar. He had glasses and was wearing a lab coat. I picked it up and took a closer look at it.

"Hey you know this person?" I asked.

"Mmm no not really I don't remember this guy. I wonder what relation Emanuel had with this guy," Yovany said.

"Let me see," Matt said.

"You know him?" I asked.



"... this was ten years ago. When I went to his high school to give an assembly to students that wanted to know computer coding and machinery," Matt said.

Yovany and William fell silent.

"... y-you knew Emanuel e-even before this...??" I said.

Matthias fell silent after my question.

"... s-so you killed him... e-even t-t-though you k-knew him..."

"Yes I did know him... when I met him personally 10 years ago... I gave him lesson and I didn't even ask for money but he insisted that I did. I just wanted for him to have a future. But really I wasn't there to do that. I was there to recruit people for Dr. Kimblee. By tricking them. I told him of Dr. Kimblee's plan and I told him to avoid me at all cost. That's why Dr. Kimblee wanted him dead as well. This is all my fault if I didn't know him back then, he wouldn't have known his plans. I had to watch him die from a distance."

"... it was in the past... nothing can be changed now. All we can do is move on. Time only moves forward. It will never go back," Yovany said. "Get over your guilt he was part of the team and he lived a good life."

"Colonel do you copy!" the radio yelled. "We have a code red! I repeat we have a code red!"

"A code red? What's going on?" William said.

"There is no need for that now Lieutenant Colonel," Someone said.

"Who are you! Where's the colonel?!"

"No need to worry about her Agustina. She is in good hands."

"Kimblee... where is she! Where is her group!"

"Like I said there is need to worry about them. What you should be more concern about is the president."

"Where are they Kimblee? I want answers! Where are they!"

"You only got so much time. I suggest you start looking. Goodbye Agustina, I will see you soon."

The radio shut off. We stood in shock. Would the Colonel let herself get captured? I thought.

"The colonel got captured?" I asked.

"Wait, no she couldn't. She wouldn't allow herself to," William said.

"But she could of. It's possible..." Yovany said.

"Majors! We need your help to get over to the Colonel. Lily went ahead of us. She's going to need our help. If you open your map, my location will be there. Go there we will wait for you," The Lieutenant Colonel said, in the radio.

"Let's head over there," Yovany said.

"Right," they said together.

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