Chapter Thirty-Three: SosTax

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They gave me their trust to transport the citizens to SosTax, so I hijacked the bullet train. It actually only took an hour to get to SosTax. The unexpected train arrival shocked everyone.

"I need to speak to General Phoenix Boyd XXVI," I said.

"What is your business with him?" A soldier asked.

"We need somewhere to hide. I have civilians from the capital Clioffasp."

"Come with me. We will have the citizens stay here until we get an answer from our General."

I followed the soldier to their capital building. A person with silver hair pass by me. He had glasses on with a light gray trench coat on. His arms made a clink sound. I could only assume that his arms were made of metal.

"Umm, excuse me who was that we just pass by?"

"That's Colonel Riba Cale Bradley XXVI. His family bloodline is one of third that was an important figure during World War V. Every since they worked within the military and help with leading SosTax. The people celebrate their bloodline every year on the day World War V ended."

Celebrate their bloodline? They must have lead soldiers into battles during World War V, I thought.

"Here we are. General Boyd should be here," The soldier said.

"Thank you. Please make sure that the citizens are safe."

"Yes ma'am."

I opened the door. The General had long red hair and his right eye had a patch over it. His other eye was orange. A red Phoenix with orange eyes sat on his left soldier. Ironic...

"I heard that you are in need of assistance."

"Yes... I have citizens from the capital of Selvia here. We need a please to hide them from Kimblee's forces."

"President Kimblee? Are we talking about the same Kimblee?"

"No... this is the Presidents twin brother. He took over underneath our noses for about a week."

"A fake? Lieutenant Poole, we need you to get the Colonel back. I know that I pissed him off earlier but we are going to need his help. His family line are military officers and spies. They can help hide the civilians."

"Yes sir, I will get him right away," The soldier said.


"Colonel! Colonel Bradley!"

I stopped and turned around. Poole ran up to me, out of breath.


"Your needed back in the Capitol building."

"No. I'm going home. General Boyd wasn't going to listen to me when a Fuhrer that had the last name of Hayato was elected. That family line started the first World War, and during the fifth World War the first Riba in the family line had to suffer because of them."

"But sir!"

"No Ethan! I will not come back to the capital."

"You need to see this... Selvia is under attack."

"Who? Sneuso?"

"No by a fake president that is related to President August Kimblee. Please Riba... they need your help. They need a please to hide. This fake president is willing to kill anyone that will get in the way of his operation. I know that Phoenix can be irrational but he has his reasons. They need your help now."

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