Chapter Fourteen: Trickster Under Your Skin

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I heard a gunshot. Everyone was in shock, and it missed Emanuel by an inch.

"What just happened?" Emanuel asked, spinning around.

I turned to look out the window. Someone with a sniper was in the house next door. He jumped through the window.

"Get that person at once! He knows our names and faces!" I commanded.

"Don't kill him though!" Emanuel stated.

They caught up with him and yovany punched him in the face. He dragged him inside the house. Emanuel looked outside the window.

"I said not to kill him!" Emanuel yelled.

"I only socked him," Yovany stated, annoyed.

He throw him inside and Ariana handcuffed him to the desk that was nearby. Ross started laughing under his breath.

"You think this some type of joke?" I asked.

"Oh no not at all Colonel," he said.

"What is your name?" William asked.

"Dr. Ross Geller. At your service Major Martinez."
"How do you know about us?" I asked.

"Oh that's easy, I get top secret military record files from central command." Ross said, "I know all of your names, your families and more. I can go on forever. Lieutenant Colonel Xiong did everything she can to help her cousin find Agustina. Captain Hernandez, hacker and military officer, back story, let's just say that his life was too much for him to take so he made a new life in the military. Major Martinez, military officer wanted to become a musician but changed his mind because of a family trauma. Major Juarez, wanted to see the world differently by being in the military changing the capital within first than the world next. And last but not least, Colonel Yang or should I say Isabella the group leader, the one that started all of this. The loving sister! The eagles golden eye! Oh how I wish to hear that touchy reunion. Twelve years of hard work and it pays off... Finally... I have been watching all five of you, and your every move. I got something to tell you since my boss isn't here. You are never going to she her again." Geller said, with a big grin at the end of it.


I saw Isabella fist get tighter, and she was even more mad at him when he said that.

"You shouldn't have said that," I whispered.

"I know for a fact that she will be coming here," She yelled at him.

"Well, you got that right but I also know more. You see, I'm the type of guy that likes to trick, discourage, and manipulated people. Also my boss isn't just my boss, he's my colleague, so is Dr. Phil. We are part of the Capital, part of the network," Ross said.

"Who is Dr. Phil?" William asked.

"That's something for you to figure out. In the meantime, I must be going."

"What? No you're not going anywhere!" William said.

"Yes I am. Kimblee go ahead!" Ross said.

He teleported away.


We all went outside and Geller was in a helicopter with Kimblee.

"They're long gone now," Ariana said.

"I have something that will maybe help us. I said pulling out a card, "I think it's time to put this to good use."

"Well, we can't do that now. Everything is shut down in the Capital. After work, meet in the investigation department," Isabella said.

The Broken GovernmentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora