Chapter Fifteen: Operation Triphab

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"Hey where are we exactly?" I asked.

"I don't know Triphab," Jenny said.

"Well let's find out where we are first. Then we can continue," Lily said.

We walked for at least 10 miles till we got to a city.
"Excuse me what state are we in?" Jade asked.

"Well your in Triphab! Lass!" the man said exited. "Where else did you think!"

"Thank you sir, good day." I stated.

"I called it!" Jenny said excited.

"Let's get a room and we'll continue tomorrow," Lily said.

We all nodded and walked to the nearest hotel.


"I told you to kill him!"

"I know, I'm sorry."

"We'll we still need to find Agustina and her team."

"What about Matt?"

"Matt? I got something for him too."

My cell started to ring.

"Your phone."

"Oh yeah. Hello?"

"I found them they're in Triphab."

"Thanks for this information. They found them. Triphab."

"Blue squad, are you ready."

"Yes sir."

"Yellow squad, are you ready"

"Yes sir."

Jenny (Jake)

Someone was banging on the door.

"Is someone there?!" I asked.

I walked to the door and look through the hole."
"Kimblee!" I yelled.

"Knock the door down." Kimblee commanded.

Crap! I thought. I got to wake up everyone.

"Hey wake up!" I told Lily.

"What?" She asked

"Just get up," I stated.

"Fine. what's up?" Lily stated, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Go look through the door hole." she stated over to the door.

"Oh shot! Start waking everything up!" Lily yelled.

I went to wake everyone up but they won't get up. She fired at the door where Kimblee was at. We heard some yells from outside the door.

"Everyone get up! We got to go!"

B. Kimblee

"Where are they at! I want answers!" I yelled.

"We don't know sir, we are still searching the field." a guard said.

I hanged up the phone.

"Geller go get them," I said.

"Yes sir." Geller said and teleported away.

R. Geller

I hope I can catch them unlike her sister and her team, I thought. I pulled out my phone to track them, Triphab downtown.


"You can come with us calmly or we will take you by force." Ross said.

"No we will not come with you!" Lily said.

"Fine than guards shock them, and take them inside the truck."

The Broken GovernmentTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon