Study Buddies

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Michael's POV

The whole house smells like burnt popcorn. I open the microwave. The bag is black. It burns my fingertips when I try grabbing it. I hear a knock at the door. It's definitely Rich. We're supposed to study for exams. I hate Chem. I hate it so much. But Rich is good at it. Which is kinda annoying, cause he does badly in most of his classes. Except PE and Chem. I help him study for everything else though. But he probably would prefer I just cheat for him. I can't though. I'm not sneaky. Or a good liar. I would get caught and my moms would be super mad. I open the door. Sure enough Rich is here. He saunters in. He always has this cool air about him. He's just so chill. He scrunches his nose. He asks, What's that smell?

Rich's POV

Michaels fucking house smells horrible. Not horrible like weed. That's how his room usually smells. It's horrible like something burning. He sees my face. He says, I was gonna make popcorn. I laugh at him. He can't even make a bag of popcorn. Michael can't cook. He doesn't like anyone to know, but he failed Home Economics in 7th grade. He's so embarrassed about bad grades. Honestly, I don't give a fuck. It could be an A or an F. I don't know or care. I say, It's fine, I'm not hungry. Micheal smiles. It looks like a kinda relived kinda embarrassed smile. Micheals really fucking good at looking embarrassed. Like, that's how he looks most of the time. He just needs to chill out. God, he's so gay. I guess I can't talk though. Whatever.

Michaels POV

I don't know if Rich is lying. Is he hungry? I don't know if his dad feeds him. I feel like I should try making another bag of popcorn. Nah, I'd burn it. Again. I'm always hungry. Probably, cause I'm always stoned. I ask, You wanna study? Rich shrugs. We go to my room. My room is always a mess. But that's good for me. It's easier to hide pot that way. Rich doesn't smoke a lot. Sometimes but not usually. I love it. I fall into my bed. I take my notes out of my backpack. Rich didn't bring his notes. Because he doesn't take notes. He sits on my bed next to me. He leans over, trying to read my notes. He probably doesn't notice but his shoulder grazes mine. Rich is bi. We've been together for a month and a half almost. Well, not together together but, I don't know. I think he's scared of being with a boy. His dad doesn't doesn't know about me. Or him being bi. His dad is too drunk to think. I feel bad for Rich. His mom left them. I think. He won't talk about it with me. Sometimes he cries in his sleep. I never ask him about it though. I quiz him on some school stuff. He doesn't understand any of it. But I don't think he's trying. Rich doesn't try at something unless he likes it. We switch and he starts quizzing me on Chem stuff. Now, I'm the dumb one. I feel so helpless. Why can't my brain just understand? It makes me wanna cry. Which is super dumb. I know. I mean, it's just school, I shouldn't cry about it. But I do. I can't help it!  Shit. I know Rich is gonna laugh at me. I don't even care anymore.

Rich's POV

I know Micheals bad at Chem. I give him the easier questions. He still gets them wrong. Part of me is frustrated with him. He's so smart and this is so easy. He shouldn't be struggling. But when I look up my heart does a painful twisting thing. Micheals crying. He's not sobbing or anything. But he has a steady stream of tears running down his cheeks. His whole face is really, really red. Like, really red. Like a tomato or something. I ask, Are you okay. He just shakes his head no. He says, Can we stop? His voice cracks when he says it. He sounds so frustrated. I say, Micheal. My voice trails of kind of. He looks away from me. He tries wiping his tears but they just keep coming. I hesitate. I put my hand over his. Gradually, my fingers slip between Michael's. I feel him momentarily tense up. Then he eases and squeezes my hand. He looks at me and he's still crying kind of. But now he's smiling. And then he starts laughing. Which is weird. Now he's crying, and smiling, and laughing, but it's more like little sobs like look like laughs. But I don't think he's sad anymore. And we're holding hands. We don't do this that much. I like it.

Michaels POV

God. Oh god. He's holding my hand. Rich is holding my hand! And it feels so goddamn good. The combination of the despair and stress and happiness get to me. I'm still crying but also laughing. Laughing at myself. At Rich. At this stupid Chem homework. But mostly at myself. But laughing almost makes me cry harder? I don't know. Emotion is weird. Don't ask me. I'm just glad Rich loves me. Well, likes me. I love him. But I'm not sure he feels the same way. He might. But I think he's too afraid to love anyone right now. His dad sucks. Like, a lot. So I don't push Rich. If he's not comfortable, I stop. I test the waters. I lean just a little bit. My head finds a resting place on his shoulder. I feel Rich's breathing stop. His shoulders are tense. I rub my thumb over his hand. He eases. But only a little bit. He tilts his head. Just slightly. Then a little more. I feel his breath on my hair. We stay like that. Time sorta stops. We're suspended in this perfect moment.

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