Getting Better

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Rich's POV

        I open my eyes.  Everything hurts.  I turn my head slowly.  Ouch.  My eyes adjust to the light.  The room smells like saline and latex.  I hear someone groan.  It sounds like a painful groan.  I look around.  I think I'm alone.  Oh.  It was me groaning.  I try to lift my head.  Pain. Nope.  That's not happening.  I say, Hello?  No one answers.  My voice is raspy and quiet.  Then it feels like ice water hitting me.  The fire.  Jake.  My Squip.  Wait.  My Squip.  It's gone.  For a second I don't believe it.  Then I just cry.  I'm so happy.  Oh my god it's finally gone.  It hurts so smile.  But I can't help it.  I'm so happy.  Then I remember back to the fire.  Oh my god.  What happened.  I try to get up again.  It feels like someone stabbing the back of my skull with a rusty knife.  White, hot pain shoots through my head.  Instinctually I cry out, Dad!  Wait what?  Why would I cry out for that bastard? He never did anything for me.  He's too drunk to do anything.  The only logical thing my drugged up mom ever did was leave him.  And me.  It really fucks up a kids head to see his mom just leave.  And to see his dad get wasted every single night.  I never got bedtime stories.  No hugs or kisses.  No helping with homework. No teaching me how to shave.  No helping me when I would stay up crying at night because my heart looked at girls and boys.

The nurse comes in.  She says, You're awake.  I have this underlying sense of pissed off-ness after the dad thing.  I think to myself, No shit you dumb bitch obviously I'm awake.  I catch myself before I say anything.  She's just doing her job.  She asks, Are you in pain?  Again, I think, I'm covered in third degree burns you fucking idiot, why would you ask a question like that?  I take a deep breath.  Calm down Rich, I say to myself.  I say, Yeah.  I hear myself.  My tone sounds annoyed.  But not as annoyed as I feel.  She says, I'll be right back.  She comes back with a cart of pills.  She hands over a few to take and a small paper cup of water.  I feel like I'm gonna overdose taking this many drugs but whatever.  I trust her.  I guess. I don't notice any difference in pain. Everything still hurts. I do get sleepy though. I drift off thinking about how much I hate my dad and how much pain I'm in.

Jeremy's POV

        I open my eyes. The room is unfamiliar and strange. Every inch of my body hurts. I say, Hello?  Then the pain really hits.  I say, ouch ow ow ow.  Someone says, It feels like you're missing a part of yourself doesn't it? I jerk my head. That hurts. It's Rich Goranski. But he's talking weird. Like his mouth is full or something. I say, Rich?  Why is here?  He says, It hurts like a motherfucker too. I mean it does. Usually my Squip would have something to say about this. But it's not here. Also I never noticed Rich had a lisp. Rich keeps talking. Lisp and all. I let him. He says, Be honest, what are they saying about me at school?  I sigh.  I dont want to tell him.  Rumors spread like wildfire.  Some people thought Rich fled the country like Jake's parents.  Others though he went crazy after trying LSD or something.  He says, It's that bad?  I say, Sorry.  It must suck to be Rich right now.  After further examination I can see he's in a full body cast.  He says, Don't be, I'm better off.  I don't know if that's really true.  But I nod like it is.  Rich says, That evil tic-tac was starting to say some seriously messed up stuff.  I can't really take Rich seriously.  His new found lisp makes it hard.  I pretend to be super into what he's saying.  He says, Squip the school to make everyone happy.  He's mimicking his Squip.  It sounds a lot like my own Squip.  Rich stares intensely into my eyes.  He says, That's crazy, right?  I say, Yeah, crazy. Shivers run down my spine. I got scarily close to doing exactly that. 

        Rich rambles on and on.  He says, When I get outta here the ladies gonna learn to love the real Richard Goranski, and the dudes. His voice kinda trails off for a second.  He says, Oh my god I'm totally bi! I smile a little. Even though Rich is talking it feels quiet. Oh my god.  Oh my fucking god. The play! Christine. Michael. My Squip is gone. It hits me like a ton of bricks.  My Squip is gone.  Forever.  I say, Wait,  our our squips are gone?  Rich nods, enthusiastically.  I say, But how?  Rich's face lights up.  He says, Oh, you should ask your buddy.  I only have one buddy.  Michael.  Rich tries to think of his name.  He can't remember I guess.  He says, You know, that antisocial headphones kid.  I laugh to myself.  That's Michael alright.  He keeps rambling.  Rich says, He's been by a ton by the way.  He asks, Is he your boyfriend?  I blush.  Some people say me and Michael are gay for each other.  Ironically, Michael actually is gay.  But I'm straight.  And we're definitely not dating.  Rich can tell from my expression, Michael isn't my boyfriend.  I can hear the excitement in Rich's voice increase.  He says, is he single?  He follows that up with, I'm totally bi now!  I don't have an answer for Rich. I'm just kinda shocked.  Rich and Michael?  Michael and Rich?  No way.  Rich is the kinda guy who would sort crack and then bang your girlfriend on your mom's bed.  Michael is the kinda guy who would smoke some pot and accidentally hit on the cashier at Spencer's gifts and get a free gift card or something. Not exactly the perfect pair.

Rich's POV

         Yeah okay.  So maybe I have a tiny gay crush on Michael Mell.  It wasn't that I couldn't remember his name.  Well, it was.  But not because I don't know him.  It's just, every time I think about him my brain short circuits.  I'm used to a shitty brain from having a Squip.  But this isn't like that.  This is like my brain turns to mush my heart takes over.  As soon as I explain my bi-ness for Michael to Jermey I turn around.  Lucky me.  Who else is standing behind me but Micheal Mell.  He gives me and awkward smile.  Michael says, Hi Rich.  He gives me a little wave.  Then he goes to Jermey's bedside. I almost say something. But instead I just wave. He gives another small wave. Michael says, bye Rich. Ha. That's funny. Bye Rich. Bi Rich. Ha. I watch Michael sit next to Jeremy. He starts explaining the Squip stuff. I gaze at him. He moves his hands a lot when he talks. It's kinda cute. While he's talking Jermey's dad comes in.  Jermey told me once that his dad was an alcohol.  Like my dad.  But his dad looked fine now.  His dad went on and on.  Talking about how he was grounded and stuff.  I could tell he wasn't serious though.  It looked like Jermey's dad actually loved him.  Wow.  That's unfamiliar.

Michael's POV

I think Jeremy only understood about half of what I said. I'm a computer guy. The Squips are just advanced microcomputers. Even I don't fully understand the technology. I can't expect Jeremy to understand. All he his computer for is porn.  Jermey's dad comes in.  He's only pretend mad.  I can tell he's relieved.  The real Jermey is back.  I'm relieved too.

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