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Michael's POV

        I pull my pants on over my clunky white sneakers and shove my gym clothes into my locker.  I always wait till the last minute to change after pe.  I don't like getting undressed in front of people.  Especially the jocks in my class.  They always look at me like I'm gonna rape them.  Like the gay boy is gonna convert them from being straight or something.  It should make me angry.  But it just makes me self conscious.  So I always wait till after they leave to change.  It usually makes me late to my next class but it's worth it. 
        As I'm pulling my hoodie on over my head I hear the sink turn on.  That makes me freeze.  Someone is in here with me.  I quickly tug my sweatshirt on.  My eyes are glued to the corner, around which whoever was washing their hands, is about to walk around.  I try to look inconspicuous.  I pretend to be adjusting my backpack straps.  From around the corner struts Rich Goranski.  Of all the people who bully me, Rich is the worst.  He's the most ignorant, bigoted, homophobic, racist, downright mean guy ever.  I almost feel bad for him though.  I heard from Jermey that his dad is an alcoholic.  Other people say he was abused as a kid.  But that doesn't excuse what he puts me through.  Every day he makes sure to make my life a living hell. 
        When Rich sees me he smiles.  But it's not a 'I'm happy to see you' smile.  It's a 'I'm sadistic so get ready to be emotionally scarred because I choose to take my issues out on you' smile.  I pivot on my heels and grab my bag.  Rich says, "Where do you think your going"?  His voice is disturbingly excited.  He knows he's about to pummel me.  I say, "Leave me alone Rich".  I try to sound scary but I just sound scared.  That's because I'm scared.  Terrified. Rich knows this and laughs.  He stars walking toward me. I say, "I need to get to class Rich".  Rich says, "Shut up you little bitch".  I want to cry.  But I won't.  I can't.  If I do, it will only solidify Rich's belief that because I'm gay I'm weak or whatever. 
        I try to just walk away.  Rich storms up to me and pins me against the locker, his forearm against my throat.  I can barely breathe.  Rich says, "You're such a little bitch".  Then he laughs sadisticly.  He spits in my face.  I'm filled with both disgust and rage.  Disgust because Rich bangs so many girls he probably has every STI under the sun.  And rage because he's literally the worst piece of scummy garbage to inhabit the earth.  I struggle under Rich's grip.  For being such a little guy, he's got some muscle.  Rich says, "You fag, you love this, a guy pinning you down".  I hate that word.  I hate it so much. 
        All of the anger in my bubbles up like a science fair volcano.  I yell, "What are you so scared of Rich"?  He looks taken back.  I've never fought back before.  Never.  And I'm not sure I should have.  Rich looks angry.  But under his anger there's something else.  Confusion?  Fear?  While he's stunned silent, I take these precious moments to continue yelling at Rich.  I say, "And don't flatter yourself because you're not my type".  Rich smiles.  It's the mean smile again.  He says, "Yeah, you like little boys like your friend Jermey".  That makes me angrier.  He can offend me.  Call me names.  Push me around.  But he can't attack Jeremy.  I try to think of something witty to say back.  I say, "Well at least I'm not into boys who have no self confidence because their dad beat them to a pulp and they weren't strong enough to stop him".  I immediately feel guilty.  I shouldn't have said that. 
        For a tiny moment, Rich looks genuinely hurt.  Then he goes back to looking angry.  Really really angry.  He pushes his forearm harder into my throat.  Rich says, "Don't test me".  He lifts his other fist into the air.  I should be wetting my pants out of fear.  But oddly enough I feel brave.  Rich has tortured me so much, what do I have to lose?  I say, "Are you gonna hit me"?  Its a rhetorical question but I honestly don't know if Rich is smart enough to know what rhetoric is.  Rich cracks his knuckles against the locker then winds his arm back, preparing for the swing. 
        Right before he goes in for the blow I start yelling again.  I say, "Go ahead and hit me, because it won't change who I am, you cant punch the gay out of me anymore than I can punch the ignorance out of you".  Rich's face is bright red now.  He yells, "Get out of my face"!  While he sounds menacing, and I should back down and just take my beating, I match his anger.  I yell, "You're just a scared little boy who can't handle how extraordinary ordinary you are"!  I had more to say but Rich cuts me off by grabbing my face and pulling it into his.  I takes me a moment to realize he was kissing me.  It was, weird.  Not bad.  Not good.  Weird. 
        We stay like that for a moment, Rich kissing me, me frozen in fear.  Then he breaks the connection and pulls away.  My heart is beating fast, faster than I think hearts are supposed to.  Rich's eyes are filled with fear and panic.  Then it changes.  His eyes go from fear, to fleeting sadness, quickly to anger.  Rich punches the locker and then sprints out of the locker room.  I'm shocked.  I need to tell Jermey.

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