First day

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It was the beginning of a new school year,students could be seen chatting and catching up with friends,,among them stood Henry Hart an average high schooler,dressed in his normal flannel shirt and a black skinny jeans. He was calling out to a dark skinned short girl.
"Char! Charlotte"he shouted,earning glares and inquisitive looks from some of the students..The dark skinned girl seemed to have noticed because she stopped abruptly and smiled at him. A smile for some reason made him calm and also made him smile back at her.
"Hi Hen",Charlotte said happily" can you believe we are seniors,soon we are gonna be through with high school and move to college. I can't wait to get to Standford and ...
"Calm down Char", the blond headed boy said" we still have some moths left and I don't even want to think of college". He was about to say something else when a sudden realisation hit him,"what are you wearing?,Henry asked noticing her outfit of a short polka dotted skirt and a white crop top with a high heeled boot to match..She wasn't looking indecent rather she looked Hot...
"Uhmmm,clothes I think", Charlotte replied sassing him" Hen this is senior year,my last year of high school and am planing to enjoy it. So Mr Hart I have gotta step up my game",she winked at him..."I gotta go Henry,see you in class".
                  Henry's P.O.V
I entered swellville high hoping to see either Jasper or Charlotte.. I was really hoping to see the latter first but she wasn't at her locker,scanning the hallway I spotted her standing with some girls,just seeing her made me calm and all I could feel was happy. I shouted her name,an action that earned attention from some students but I didn't mind then she smiled at me for some reason I felt butterfly in my stomach I couldn't help but smile back..She started talking about senior year and Stanford..That seems to be the only thing she talks about this days and it made her happy.
All I could think of was that in a matter of months I won't be able to see Char as much as I want to and it saddened me...I had to get her to stop talking about college,suddenly I noticed Charlotte wearing something different from her usual Charlotte style,don't get me wrong she didn't look bad rather she looked hot..I mentally slapped myself for thinking my best friend looked hot. When I asked about it, being Charlotte she sassed me and what was that she did after, she winked at me.. I can't explain how that made me feel.."this senior year is really gonna be one to remember".
               Charlotte's P.O.V
I was hurrying to class and boom!! I found myself on the floor with my books scattered all over d floor.
"Hey", a voice said"next time watch where u are going. I looked up and God the eyes glaring at me was so blue like d ocean,the kind of eyes you would wanna drown in..
" I can't believe this",the voice said,"this place seems to b filled with dumb people".
What!! Did he just call me dumb?
Well that is it,,no one calls Charlotte Paige dumb..
"Excuse me",I snapped" it's not my fault a jerk like you can't see clearly", I said standing and picking my books in the process. He seems to be offended that i addresses him as a jerk but I didn't mind he called me dumb first.
"It is not my fault I couldn't see you", he said smirking," with your size it shouldn't come as a surprise to u..he seemed satisfied with his little come back but I wasn't gonna let him have the last word.
Glaring at him I tried to say something but the bell rang,"this isn't over mister",I said and rushed to class. And to think that for a moment I though he had pretty eyes. .I mentally cursed myself for thinking that way.

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