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Henry's P. O. V
Charlotte rushed inside the class out of breathe, I noticed her perfectly arranged books were not so orderly arranged. She spotted Jasper and me and waved at us. she went and sat at her normal position..I poked her and asked her why she took so much time she told me something about an accident that got me worried but she waved it off saying it was nothing she couldn't handle...Right on track Miss Shapen came in with an unfamiliar boy,I guess the boy is a new student. My guess was confirmed when she introduced him,I could swear I saw a disgusted look on Charlotte's face but why on earth would Charlotte be disgusted at a boy she never me,that is definitely not Char.. Jasper had to make a foolish remark which Char denied and admitted that only Blake made her speechless,,ughh!!annoying.
This is the same Blake she thinks is Super cute,,now that stupid feeling is back,the same confusing feeling I felt when Ray told me Char thinks Blake is super cute..My thought was interrupted when Miss Shapen told Jason to sit beside Charlotte,I suddenly felt alarmed, of all the empty seats she had to choose the one beside Charlotte. Now the Jason guy is gonna hit on Char."what am saying,why does it bother me"I thought"am just going crazy". He said something to her but she totally ignored him giving him a dirty glare and  that made me happy..
"Char doesn't seem to like this Jason guy", I said.
Surprisingly Jason answered a question we all expected him to fail and Miss Paige wasn't so pleased... He kept on surprising us and answering more questions...woah!! Seems like he is a smart one..Charlotte is actually a competitive type I don't think she will like this Jason boy. Poor Jason.
" that will be it for today",Miss Shapen  said"Hathaway you are good,U could give Paige a run for her post as the best student in class..keep it up mister..see you guys I have too clip my toe nails".
"Eww", Jasper  said" did u have to tell us Miss Shapen,now I have that image in my head". I snickered and looked over at Charlotte,she seems to be deep in thought, maybe she is thinking about what Miss Shapen just said. Poor Char being the best means everything to her..I gotta cheer her up,best friend to the rescue..
"Hi Char",I said" ready for lunch?"
"Don't bother asking", Jason said" Miss Paige over here doesn't talk"..Charlotte stared at him for some minutes turned to me and said"yes Hen,let's go get lunch".
"I can't believe you guys are trying to ditch me again", Jasper said.
" Nobody is ditching you Jasper,we were gonna call you,Charlotte replied"let's just go already am starving".
"Hey Jason", Jasper said" wanna join us,you seem to be the star of today's class,no offense char"..she hissed.
"Whatever Jasper", she replied nonchalantly.
" I could tell you all about my bucket collection",Jasper said.
"Sorry your what?", Jason asked surprised..
" Jasper nobody wanna hear about your crazy bucket obsession",Char said irritated..
"Be kind Char,those buckets are like my babies", he this point Charlotte looked like she was gonna tear Jasper apart,so I had to do something but Jason beat me to it.
" I would love to hear about your buckets",Jason said..Charlotte seemed surprised and that disgusted look came back..
"You never know what you might learn from buckets", Jason said.
" Woah someone apart from Sidney and Oliver thinks my bucket could be useful,you see guys I knew Jason is gonna be so cool,lets talk over lunch",Jasper said happily,"oh I love this kid.
"There is no way am having lunch with three crazy guys talking about buckets", Charlotte said,am gonna have lunch with Piper and her friends. Bye guys".
" three guys? I didn't say I wanted to talk about buckets",I said cooly.
"You will end up joining them", she said," you know am right Hen. So see you later". With that she left,,now am gonna have lunch with Jasper and the Jason guy.

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