The way you are

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         Jason's P. O. V
I stepped into swell ville high, scanning through the hallway hoping to see Jasper or Henry instead I saw Charlotte . How unlucky .. I should go talk to her.
"Hi miss Paige", I said with a smirk"it is a beautiful morning".
"Quit calling me Miss Paige", she said.
"Should I call you Charlotte instead? ", I asked.
"No don't talk to me at all"she said slamming her locker..
"My bad", I said with amusement "someone sure does seem to be having a bad morning.. What is your deal miss Paige? "
"I told you not to talk to me, I don't like you", she stated.. What the fuck? Does she think I like her.
"The feeling is mutual Miss Paige", I said"you are too sour"..
Well that got her, she flared up.
"What did you just say?  Sour?  Who the heck do u think you are?  You called  me dumb, small and sour"she said glaring angrily at me...
That glare did scare me.
"The only sour person here is you", Charlotte said.
"I don't think so"I said..
"You are just a pest" she said"just go back to wherever you came from".
"Your opinion doesn't matter to me Miss Paige", I said.
"You are funny", she said.
"Am gonna take that as a compliment"I said.
"Well it's not", She said.
"I don't care Miss Paige. Where is Henry and Jasper?", I said.
She just ignored me.
"I have a class to attend", She said.
"Are you always like this?", I asked"you are too grumpy for your size".
"Jerk", she said"I hate you". She turned and started heading to class.
"I hate you too", I said"now am late for class, all because of you".
I walked pass her, I could feel her angry glare burn through my back but I was happy I had the last word..
                 Jasper's P. O. V
"And our king and queen finally decided to grace us with their presence", Miss Shapen said"Care to explain why you are late? "
Charlotte glared at Jason..
"Am sorry Miss Sharpen, it wasn't  intentional"she said eyeing Jason"I was held up by a  psycho". She frowned at Charlotte.
"What do you have to say for yourself Jason?", Miss Shapen asked..
"I would have been in class earlier if I didn't have the ill luck of meeting a dark haired demon", he said smirking at Charlotte..
Now am confused, what is the problem with this two? What is going on with them?
"I don't wanna hear anything about your crazy psycho neither do I wanna hear about the dark haired demon", Miss Shapen said"just go to your seats and try and catch up with others, I hate being a teacher".
"Thanks Miss Shapen", they both said in unison... Charlotte is never the type to be tardy to class,   she is  "miss punctual"..
"Why are you late", I heard henry ask her.
"It must be the psycho", I replied"did you call the police". She shook her head.
"Jasper there is no Psycho, it was just a lame excuse", Henry said."I can't believe miss Shapen bought that".
"Don't be too sure Hen, there was a psycho but too bad I didn't take him to the police"she said.
"Ya too bad char", I said turning to Jason, "Jason what about the demon, I didn't know demons existed".
"Jasper that was a lie too", Henry said
"It was no lie Henry",  Jason said  looking at Charlotte, "there was a demon and there is still a dark haired demon".
This guys are just driving me nuts.
"Well Hen, you are wrong again, now I have to be careful not to run into the demon", I said"I wouldn't know what to do. Jason laughed
"You could call Captain man or kid danger", Jason said.
"You are right", I said"char they can help with your psycho too".
"I can handle myself", she replied, "a psycho is nothing Charlotte  Paige can't handle. Henry snickered
" If the danger is too much for you to handle, you know who to call", Henry said with a slight smirk.. Charlotte smiled at him.
"I wonder who captain man and kid danger are?", Jason said"aren't you guys curious? " we coughed awkwardly
"Since they don't wanna be known, why stress ourselves and worry about who they could be", Charlotte said"the important thing is that they save the city".
He looked at her for some time and nodded.
"You know Miss Paige, this is the first reasonable thing you have said since I met you", Jason"am impressed And I totally agree with it but don't get used to it".
"I don't care about what you think", Charlotte said.
"Come on guys you should not fight over this", Henry said.
"Henry Hart", Miss Shapen said"detention". Henry stood uo
"Miss Shapen  Henry is not to blame", Charlotte said.
"You too Charlotte Paige", Miss Shapen said. 
"But I didn't do anything wrong",Charlotte said.
"Don't keep me waiting Miss Paige", Miss Shapen said.
"Thanks Jason",Charlotte said and left with Henry for detention.
"What the..", Jason stuttered.
"Poor char, this is the first time she is going to detention", I said.
"And how is that my fault", Jason said.
"She doesn't like you", I replied.
"So she is gonna blame me for every bad thing that happens to her", Jason said.
"Just give her time. She will come around", I said.
"Do I have a choice",Jason said. I just shook my head."what she did was honorable".
"What?", I said.
"Speaking up for Henry", Jason said.
"That is Charlotte. Always standing for her friends", I said"she has always been like that".
"I admire that but don't tell her I said so", Jason said.
"No problem. You and Charlotte will soon start getting along well", I said.
"I doubt that", Jason said.
"When Char and I met as kids, she didn't like me but she tolerated because I was Henry's friend. Later we all became good friends", I said.
"whatever", Jason said.
"I will have to cover for them at Junk n stuff",I said.
"Is there anything I could do", Jason said.
"No", I replied"I got this".
He nodded.

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