Heart to Hart.

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Charlotte's P. O. V
The window was closed and a faint scratching noise came from outside. It sounded like someone wanted to open the window. "It could only be Henry ",I thought.
Getting up from my bed I walked to the window and opened it.
"You know you could use the door", I said.
"Char, can I come in", Henry said. I stepped  aside allowing him in.
"Why are you here?", I asked walking back to the bed.
"About yesterday", Henry said"am really sorry".
"You should be", I replied.
"You know I didn't mean all those things I said, I just had too much on my mind and I happen to lash out on you. I understand if you are mad but I want you to know am really sorry", Henry said.
"Honestly am not mad, I just want to understand what your problem with college is", I said"don't you wanna go to college Hen".
"It's complicated char", Henry said.
"What is complicated about college? Just answer me with a yes or no?. Do you want to go to college?", I asked signalling Henry to sit beside her.
"Yes", Henry replied.
"Yes what?, yea you wanna go to college or you don't wanna?, I asked.
"Of course I wanna go to college", Henry said.
"Then what is the problem Hen", I asked.
"Honestly I don't have a problem with college I just have a problem with the things I will loose all in the name of going to college", Henry said.
"I don't understand You Hen, What are you gonna loose?, I asked.
"My friends, am gonna loose my friends and most of all am gonna loose Char and that scares me", Henry said. I took his hand in mine and stared directly in his eyes.
"I understand how you feel,I feel the same way", I said.
"Really?", Henry asked, "you are super excited about college".
"Yes Hen, am all excited about college but that doesn't mean I don't  feel very sad at the thought that we are gonna be separated Hen", I said, "It's  not gonna be the same without you or Jasper". And his mood lit up.
"No matter how much we are gonna miss each other, we still have to go to college. Life is all about changes and adapting. This change is Here and we have got to adapt", I said still holding his hand.
"I just wish time would just stop or slow down a bit so I can spend more time with you", Henry said.
"You know it's not possible"I said and he just nodded"but any ways am still here and you are here,instead of being miserable about all this whole thing we can just make out the best out of it"I said.
"You are right Char, And its not like you will be gone forever", Henry said.
"That's right, I will come back for holidays. I will call you everyday, text and even face time you", i said.
"promise?", Henry asked.
"Promise", Charlotte replied.
"You will call and text me everyday, even when you are busy?", Henry asked.
"Everyday. It will be like I never left", I said.
"I love you char", Henry said.
My heart stopped beating for a while but what wrong with me. We say that to each other all the time. It doesn't mean anything.
"Me too Hen", I replied, "I love you".
Henry hugged me and I hugged him back we stayed like that for a while and funny enough I enjoyed it to a point that I didn't wanna let go. I bugged him tighter enjoying the warmth of his body against mine. He responded immediately squeezing me tighter, it felt like he wanted to merge my body with his. I felt the tension in my room rise. 
"Now get off me", I said trying to ease the tension, "you stink". He feigned hurt.
"You wound me Paige", He said clutching his broken heart.
How cute he looked.
"Am really gonna miss you Hart", I said looking intently at him.
"Me too Char, I don't know if I can survive without you", Henry said looking at me.
"You will", I said touching his face.  Henry stared at my lips and my heart leapt. The tension rose again, I had to do something else things might get awkward.  I cleared my throat to ease the tension.
"so do you still have those gummy bears"Henry asked to prevent any form of awkwardness. 
"Nope", I replied.
"What! Why?", Henry asked"you never run out of gummy bears".
"Well someone came some days back and took all my gummy bears", I  said.
"And you couldn't have replaced it? It's been three days Char", Henry said.
"You know the way to the grocery shop. You could get them yourself", I replied.
"You are unbelievable Char, I will have to talk to your mom about this"Henry said.
"You are most welcomed to do that but I must warn you I don't think she will agree", I said.
"Why?", Henry asked.
"Since I will be going to college, she thinks I don't need gummy bears anymore", I said.
"This room is nothing without gummy bears"Henry said falling backwards on the bed.
"Thanks Hart", I said pinching his nose.
"I didn't mean it that way", Henry said rubbing his nose.
"I know, chill", I said.
"But still that really hurt, you have got to stop doing that", he said.
"I do what I wanna do", I said.
"You are evil", He said playfully.
"I will take that as a compliment", I said.
"So you are going to prom with Blake? ", Henry asked looking straight at me.
I nodded. "And you must be very happy. Knowing you have had a crush on that guy for God knows how long", He said.
"Yes I am", I said uncomfortably. " so who are you taking to prom?".
"I don't know Char, prom is almost here and I don't have anyone in mind. Maybe I will go alone", Henry said.
"Who is the girl Henry", I said poking him.
"What girl?", he asked.
"Your secret date to prom", I said.
"I don't have any date char", He said.
"So Henry suave Hart is going to prom dateless"I said"this is unbelievable". 
"Am gonna go alone", Henry said"what is wrong with that?".
Everything Hen, Jasper got himself a date Henry.  A normal girl".  I said "even Sidney and Oliver got one too. And you asking what is wrong about it". 
"Jason is going alone", Henry said.
"What has that got to do with this? ", I said.
"Well am trying to tell that am not the only dateless one to prom", Henry said. I sighed.
"I give up Hart.  Its your prom to whatever you want but don't come crying to me later", I said
"I don't come crying to you. And moreover there is always a first time"he said.
"You win", I said"your prom your choice". I said.
"That is a first time" He said nudging me.
"Do that again and you are dead"I said playfully.  It felt like he was staring at me in a different way.
"Will you go to dinner with me Char", I heard Henry say?
That got me speechless.  Henry wants to go to dinner with me. Like on date?
"With jasper too"He said"just the three of us. At my place, I will cook".
Now that makes sense. Dinner with Henry and Jasper. The feeling of disappointment kicked in, it would have been good if it was just Henry and Me.  "If the food is good then am in", I said.
"Then its a date", he said "I mean a dinner". I laughed
"It is", I said.
"I better get going page, its getting late", He said.
"Kay Kay but you have to carry my backpack for me tomorrow", I said.
"why do I have to that?", Henry asked.
"Because I said so", I said.
"I don't want to",He said.
"You finished my gummy bears", I said.
"Still not doing it", he said.
"Really Henry? ", I said with raised eyebrow."I helped you with your project".
"Is this blackmail Paige"He asked.
"You lost the bet too", I  said. He groaned.
"Do I have a choice?", He asked.
"No Hart, Don't keep me waiting", I said", "good night Hen".
"Yes ma'am. Goodnight Char", he said giving me a kiss on the fore head and left through the window. "What was that"I thought."It was probably just a friendly Goodnight kiss, no strings attached". And The feelings of disappointment kicked in.

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