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(Henry's P. O. V)
"Knock knock", Piper said stepping inside my room.
"So you do know how to knock", I said  fixing my tie, "shouldn't you be at Char's?".
"Her mom opted to help her with her make up. So I decided to come check on you and let them have there mother and daughter time", Piper said.
I nodded.
"Let me", Piper said helping me with my tie.
"Are you okay?", I asked surprised.
"Why", she asked.
"Why are you being polite and nice to me", I asked.
"Just shut up and let me help you.  "I am doing this because of Char. I have always wanted you to go to prom with Charlotte", Piper said out of the blue.
My eyes widened. 
"You guys can try and deny it as much as you want but its as clear as crystal. Henry I know you like Charlotte", she said.
"I don't... ", I said and she interrupted again.
"Shut up and let me finish", she screamed, "You are going to prom with the girl you like, I hope you don't mess this night up. This is your chance to let her know how you feel".
"I like Charlotte", I admitted because there is no need hiding it anymore "but I can't risk our friendship by telling her how I feel. What if she doesn't like me? Things would get awkward and she might end up not talking to me and I don't think I can take that", I said.
"I understand you,  but trust me she feels the same way", Piper said.
"Did she tell you", I asked hopefully.
"Don't try to get words out from me. You just have to trust me"she said. I rolled my eyes at that comment, only a fool will trust Piper.
" She likes you", she said, "you are all set to go. Go pick your date up and make sure not to let the night end without telling her".
"I thought you didn't like us together", I asked.
"Believe me, am surprised at myself.  Besides you guys are happy with each other and that matters most", she said.
"Thank you Pips", I said.
"You are welcome. Now go and don't keep the girl waiting", She screamed.
I just smiled at her. Am surely gonna tell Char how I feel tonight. Maybe I do have a chance. Things have changed between us lately, there seem to be a kind of tension, maybe Jasper and Piper are right. Maybe Charlotte really likes me.
"Tonight am gonna find out", I said to my empty room and stepped out..
(Charlotte's House)
Getting to Charlotte house her mom ushered me in, I gave her the muffin I made for them. She thanked me and told me to wait while she go get Char.
"Here she is", Mrs Paige said.
I turned and saw Charlotte coming down the stairs. Lord! Has she always been that beautiful? She looked like a goddess in that long red dress she wore. Her hair was kept in a bun just the way I love them. I was staring but I didn't mind because what is right in front of me is worth it.
"Maybe you should take a pix, it would last longer", Mrs Paige said. I smiled awkwardly at her. 
"You look amazing Char", I said walking to her. 
She smiled wildly at me and I could feel my heart melt. If I wasn't sure about how I felt about her,  now am certain. It's official, I like her, it goes beyond that. am in love with Charlotte Paige. In love with my best friend and am not gonna try and hide it anymore.
"Come over here and take pictures or would you rather spend the night staring at each other", Mrs Paige said with a smirk.
We went and she kept on taking pictures of us. Gushing about how fast we grew and how beautiful we look together. Am sure she ships us too.
"Mum, enough with the pictures", Charlotte said.
"Just two more"Miss Paige said"my baby is so beautiful".
"We are gonna be late. We still have to take some pictures with Jasper. ", She said"let's go".
She said dragging me outside and we entered my mum's car.
"Have fun", She shouted.
"Cut her some slack Char", I said.
"She is been overly dramatic", she said.
"You can't blame her", I said"Her little baby turning into a very beautiful young lady".
"You look amazing too Hen", She said.
I smiled at her.
"So your mum lent you her car", She said.
"Once I told her I was taking you to prom, she was very delighted to lend the car", I said.
"You can't blame the woman, the girl is charming", She said jokingly.
"I can't deny that, she really is charming", I said staring at her.
"Eyes on the road Hen, I wouldn't wanna end up in the hospital", She said.
I could swear she was blushing and it made me happy that I could get that reaction from her.
I don't think I would ever stop smiling tonight, am going to prom with my favourite girl in the world.
"What are you smiling about?", She asked.
"Nothing", I said.
"Just drive", she said.
I winked at her.
The ride to prom was short and comfortable. Charlotte and I flirted on our way, if I needed any more proof that she likes me, I have got that and that boosted my courage am really gonna tell her how I feel tonight.
Getting to the venue we met Jasper and Stacy, we took pictures, had a little talk with them and proceeded to join the rest. We watched Jasper make a fool of himself with his crazy dance moves. Char and I did dance a couple of time. Prom king and queen was announced and Charlotte and I won.
And it was time for the king and queen to dance.
"Can I have this dance", I said to Charlotte.
"Of course", she said while we take on the dancefloor."I can't believe I am the Prom queen, Piper is gonna be so happy".
"You deserve it Char", I said smiling at her"You are the prettiest girl in this room".
"Thanks Hen", she said.
I nodded. We did not talk after that. It was a spirited waltz tune that the orchestra played. I moved her around the perimeter of the floor, twirling her to the rhythm, my eyes locked on hers the whole while, our bodies almost touching.
They were no needs for words, we have spoken a lot through out the years. Enough that we can converse quite fluently without a single sound coming from our lips.
And then I did something truly fierce. I dipped my head and kissed her softly. She responded immediately. I broke the kiss, lifted my head and smiled at her and then kissed her again with all the yearning and all the hope and all the love was in my heart. She kissed me back with the same passion and the same intensity. I drew her closer. Scandalously close, in fact. I could sense the muttering and with the corner of my eyes I could see Jasper and Jason smiling.
"I love you Char", I said after the kiss"very much, I love you very much".
I stared at her with love waiting for her reply.
"I love you too Hen", she said smiling at me. Giving me back look for look.
This is definitely the happiest day of my life. I couldn't help but give her a quick kiss and hugged her tightly. There is no way am letting this girl out of my sight.  Never.

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