Poison of the Human Panacea (Chapter 9)

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Poison of the Human Panacea

Chapter 9

It was night.

Star reading altar.

The skies were filled with stars and fires shone brightly in the courtyard. A man in blue, with his sleeves fluttering, was holding a luopan(1) and was looking at the snowcapped mountain peak as he waited for an arrival. Suddenly, there was a soft sound of feathered wings flapping and a ghostly figure appeared behind him. When the man turned his head, the figure was already nowhere to be seen.

Thinking that Bai Tan was trying to instill fear in him by using the "Mei Dun Zhou"(2), Ji Du could only smile helplessly, "Sect Leader, please do not use this subordinate to seek entertainment. This subordinate is sincerely trying to relieve your worries."

"Don't talk about useless things, spar with me* first."

Before the sentence was finished, a gust of strong wind blew in his direction. Ji Du turned around but Shiyue was already right in front of him. He would not have been able to draw the whip around his waist out in time so he raised his arms up. The golden rings around his wrist were spinning rapidly and continuously, just managing to block the ferocious attack. However, his cloud-patterned, blue robe made of silk was burned by the scorching heat of the wind, and he inevitably felt pained and pity. He retreated tens of steps in succession and begged loudly for mercy, "I will not fight anymore, Sect Leader. Ji Du concedes his lost!"

"Hmph, so boring." Bai Tan stopped but was still not satisfied and wanted to continue. He had just improved and was itching to test it out but who knew that no one in the sect was willing to fight him till the end. It was disappointing.

Ji Du tugged on his burned and tattered robe, not knowing whether to laugh or to cry. The little Sect Leader's appearance matched his personality. He was still quite a child. After all, he was raised as though he was a pet......once there was no one to restrain him, he would go wild.

Had Shizun still lived, who knows if he would have still been this arrogant.

Bai Tan walked leisurely to the container of water between the fires and looked at the reflection of the night sky in the container before reaching over to run his hand through the water, creating ripples. "So, what have you been able to see?"

"Sect Leader, do not be anxious. Please hold on to this."

Ji Du passed the luopan over respectfully with one hand and with the other hand, he held Bai Tan's other hand to press it into the water. Instantly, large ripples surged in the water and the bronzed fish on the luopan started rotating by itself, pointing to a star that was reflected on the water surface. Bai Tan looked over fixedly but saw that the star was flickering, bright and dim. It was also of an abnormal scarlet color.

"This is so strange. It is such a bizarre(3) star omen." Ji Du looked troubled as if he had something he wanted to say but stopped before he actually did.

Bai Tan's expression changed a little, but he controlled his temper, "Bizarre?"

Ji Du nodded. "The 'Concubine Ming' suitable for the practitioner must have their star trail intersecting that of the practitioner. However, the star that intersects the Sect Leader's is a star of the underworld."

Ji Du pointed at a faint blue star on the water surface as he spoke.

Confused, Bai Tan asked, "What do you mean?"

"The person whose life intersects with yours is already dead." Ji Du's words were laid with implications.

"Do you perhaps mean......Wu Yanfu?" Bai Tan asked, word by word, in return.

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