Poison of the Human Panacea (Chapter 25)

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Poison of the Human Panacea

Chapter 25

(If you're not reading this at our wordpress: xiaoyaoiplayground or our wattpad account then this translation has been reposted without our permission. Please read this story at: https://xiaoyaoiplayground.wordpress.com/)

Night had fallen, the sands were like snow and the moon was like a hook, while the wild winds made a great commotion alongside the scenery.

The ship slowly approached the riverbank. Bai Tan brushed the water off of his clothes, he held the Shi Yue Hook and slowly walked towards the side of the ship's mast. With his hands behind his back, he looked down and astride the lead horse, saw a man in red clothes coming toward him at an incredible speed.

Mi Lansheng looked up at the figure on board the ship, when he'd first seen his posture from far away, he'd merely thought of that persons figure as striking. But upon a closer look and with just one glance, he realized it was actually a young male of stunning beauty. The cold yet gorgeous face was just like an epiphyllum flower in the early stage of blooming. The sight of the flowers bloody redness within the night sky, the sight of it dancing within a sky full of pouring sand, it all suddenly appeared right in front of his eyes. Mi Lansheng couldn't breathe for a moment and he pulled harshly on the reins.

The horse released a scream towards the sky, braking quickly with its front hooves.

Mi Lansheng looked straight at the young male and collected his thoughts, then spoke in a clear voice, "Could your excellency be the current sect leader of Fu Tu Sect, Bai Tan?"

"It is me*." Bai Tan pulled out the Shi Yue Hook as his eyes illuminated in the light from the blade, showing a cold and chilling gleam. "Then your excellency must be...Sect Master Mi, Mi Lansheng, right?"

Mi Lansheng heard his impertinent tone, then saw the Shi Yue Hook and remembered Wu Yanfu's domineering aura when he held that peerless, godly weapon. Those attacks of his, they were enough to shake up the sky and earth, enough to make the demons and gods cry. A sudden feeling of sympathy rose up within his heart and he thought that not only had this person killed his own shizun, he'd even taken his weapons as his own. Truly a rebellion(1). Even though he, himself, wasn't one of those who walked on the righteous path of Wu Lin; yet, this type of betrayal and foul act was something he'd definitely not do.

But, seeing again that Bai Tan was an arrogant one who didn't see anyone as his equal, he was basically a little wolf cub who had just finished sharpening up those ferocious claws and teeth of his and was ready to show them off. Then, Mi Lansheng showed a vicious expression, "That is right, I am Mi Lansheng. Shizun's body and bones haven't grown cold(2) and yet, Sect Leader Bai came to participate in the Great Wu Lin Assembly in such a known manner. You sure are in a great mood for it."

Bai Tan furrowed his brows and only replied briefly with a few words, "That is natural. I* had just annihilated his body, since then I've been in a great mood, so of course I have to travel outside to relieve myself a bit."

Relieve? What an easy thing to say.

Mi Lansheng thought that and had already made the decision to slice the betrayer up with his own hands in place of Wu Yanfu. His arm shook and the Tu Luo Po Zhang Jue(3) was in his hand. His well mastered neili ripped open one of his sleeves revealing the firmly built arm with the tattoos of angered deities. His fierce and dominant aura was high, "Since you are in such a good mood, I wonder if Sect Leader Bai holds interest in exchanging some moves with me? For a while now I've been hearing of Sect Leader Bai's extraordinary talents, they say you have a great natural talent for learning martial skills and are also self-taught. I wonder if those words are true?"

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