Poison of the Human Panacea (Chapter 23)

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Poison of the Human Panacea

Chapter 23

(If you're not reading this at our wordpress: xiaoyaoiplayground or our wattpad account then this translation has been reposted without our permission. Please read this story at: https://xiaoyaoiplayground.wordpress.com/)

Li Wuzhang reached out a hand to check on the condition of Bai Tan's pulse and discovered there was no big crisis, he had only fainted. So he softly pinched the area between his nose and upper lip, making Bai Tan wake up, his eyelids twitched slightly as he opened them.

After getting a clear look at the person in front of him, Bai Tan looked around at his surroundings and let out a breath. He wanted to stand up, but he felt dizzy and his eyes were blurry, he wasn't able to use any strength and nor could he remember how he'd fainted earlier; he couldn't help but feel a little afraid, "You guys sure came at the right time." He blanked out for a moment, then realized, "Right, where is that blue eyed man?"

Li Wuzhang replied, "He ran away."

"Damn. That person's probably not gonna give up this easily, letting him go is only gonna bring more trouble in the future." He weakly scanned over Wu Yanfu to see if he was alright, and then his own body became weak all over. Unable to hold himself up any longer, he laid his head on Wu Yanfu's shoulder and mumbled out an order, "Look to see if any of them are still alive...take the living ones back."

"Yes." Li Wuzhang pulled Wu Yanfu's hands apart, which were in the way and brought Bai Tan into his embrace with one arm, while the other yanked Wu Yanfu up, he used qinggon(1) and went back down to the hidden entrance beneath the stone temple.

It was directly connected to the inn.

Apparently, this Shen Lou was a part of the underground stone temple that was exposed up above, and the Da Qin people, who traveled here, made use of it and then used it as the foundation for building a new city on top of it.

Li Wuzhang lay Bai Tan down on a bed and sat behind him with crossed legs, he pulled the other into his embrace, he removed his robe and Bai Tan's upper clothing, which was already loose. His chest pressed up against Bai Tan's back as both pairs of hands touched, he regulated his own breathing and slowly sent a share of zhen qi in through Bai Tan's pulse, urging the other's neili to swim through the small circuit(2) in his body calmly.

Before he'd finished one lap around the small circuit, he felt Bai Tan's whole body heating up and the zhen qi that he'd sent into his body moved around chaotically. It was the signs of one that would lose their sanity with reversed blood flow.

Li Wuzhang's forehead was covered in sweat and it felt as if the zhen qi he'd sent in was like a clay ox entering the sea. No matter how much he sent into the other's dantian, there seemed to be a whirlpool inside that sucked it all in, chewed it into tiny pieces before it was all swallowed down into a bottomless pit. He was suddenly, deeply shocked.

He wanted to keep forcing himself to go on, but he felt a sharp pain from the side of his neck, then lost his consciousness. His body titled and rolled off the bed, where he fell, face first, onto the floor beside Wu Yanfu with a 'dong' sound.

Wu Yanfu glanced at him with droopy eyes, reached out two long, thin fingers and removed the golden needle from his neck, he then pulled Bai Tan into his embrace with one arm and carried him onto the bed. He bit the tip of his own tongue and fed the other a mouthful of fresh blood.

Bai Tan immediately sucked hard on the soft tongue between those lips like a leech, he reached up both of his arms and wrapped them around the other's neck, Wu Yanfu raised him up and let him sit on his lap with his arms and legs wrapped(3) around him. His hands followed the order of the small circuit's path as he pressed all eight of the extraordinary meridians(4) on him to direct his blocked neili.

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