Poison of the Human Panacea (Chapter 36)

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Chapter 36

Bai Tan interjected in a harsh tone, "Why didn't you dodge?"

Wu Yanfu sighed again, "Master had sealed Ah-Chi's acupuncture points, how could Ah-Chi dodge?"

"You were once that demon's disciple, your "Cui Hua Zhe Zhi Shou" is at a higher skill than mine, what are you pretending for?"

"But if Ah-Chi dodges, is master going to abandon Ah-Chi?"

Bai Tan heard him say 'Ah-Chi' over and over while being all serious, he felt a bit embarrassed and couldn't handle it. Before, he'd thought he really was dumb and that was why he'd given him such a nickname, but looking back at it, the dumb one was actually him.

Though the fact that that person really hadn't wanted to dodge, was honestly beyond his expectations. If his palm had slammed down just now, even if Tian Su's martial skill was above his, his skull would've still broken open from the shock. Even if it hadn't killed him, it would've taken at least half of his life away.

Bai Tan retracted his fist and the knee that pressed onto Wu Yanfu's chest sank down with a hard push, he spoke coldly, "The only reason why you didn't dodge, was to make sure that I* wouldn't actually kill you."

"Master is so smart, so how could you not know, it's a far better deal to keep me than kill me?"

When he'd finished, Wu Yanfu smiled, and Bai Tan instantly blanked out. This yao ren was always in a confused and dumb state, he had never seen him smile before. But, for some unknown reason, when this person smiled, it felt familiar to him.

The half-smile and playful look on him made it seem as if he had tricked everyone in the world and played them around in the palm of his hand.

An extremely strange feeling suddenly grew in him.

This person's face, it seemed just like a piece of mask, and another person was hidden under that mask.

Thinking like that, Bai Tan was as shocked as a bird who had almost just been shot by an arrow, he quickly reached out a hand to rub the man's face. From the root of his ear down to his chin, he diligently checked it all. He hadn't found a single sign of a human skin mask, then finally let out a breath, he couldn't help but laugh at himself, what was he thinking nonsense for? Why mistake the reflection of a bow in the cup for a snake(1). That old demon had already died a long time ago, what had he needed to be afraid of?!

Wu Yanfu squinted his eyes and stared at him, "What does master plan on doing with Ah-Chi in the future?"

Bai Tan thought internally, even though this person couldn't be counted as his lifesaver, but he'd still saved him from Si You in Loulan. Not only that, but he'd also cleaned up some of his moves, helped his skills to advance greatly, so he wouldn't have been wanting to do harm to him.

Plus, he was his yao ren, he couldn't do without his blood.

But this person obviously had a plan of his own, if he kept him by his side, then there was no way he wouldn't be defensive.

"You've hidden by my* side for so long, what is it that you want?"

Wu Yanfu licked the corner of his lips, "Ah-Chi said before, I like you."

Bai Tan felt numbness in his lower back and spoke in a vicious tone, "Shut up! I've* said it before, I don't believe it!"

"That is one of the reasons." Wu Yanfu knew that this little wolf cub wouldn't be so easy to coax, so he went on, "To kill Fu Lu and rule over the Yue Yin Palace, that is the second reason. As for the third, it is for the treasure map that master holds."

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