A new weapon. And a crush. And first class...jeez, busy today

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<Sam's POV>

I was siting in my room, which I keep my gear in, Sparx was floating next to me. I was at a desk, working on  blueprints for a new weapon Ruby could help me make. I'm borrowing blueprint ideas and designs from other weapons on this world's internet. Some weird stuff here, I mean. Trumpet Rocket-launchers?

I'm working on a scythe, like Crescent Rose. But it just folds into a shotgun, in a shape that is like my Immobius.

 But it just folds into a shotgun, in a shape that is like my Immobius

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Sparx was working on it's internals in the blueprint. "Think it can work?" I asked "Yeah, and I think Dust can work as ammo, and perhaps your light can make it stronger, we will see"

"Hey, Sam. You in here?" Ruby asked, Sparx vanished. "Yeah, come in" I said.

<Ruby's POV>

I walked in, there was weapons, and armour everywhere. A bed was sitting in the corner, with blueprints and books on it.

"How many weapons do you have?!" I exclaimed.

"A ton, I need help with something"  The wolf faunus said, I walked over, there was blueprints for a scythe, it looked like Crescent Rose. But it looked good. A strange icon was on it.

It was in the top corner of the blueprint, and also on the blade of the scythe

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It was in the top corner of the blueprint, and also on the blade of the scythe.

I ignored it "So, what do you need my help with?" I asked "I need help making it. I don't have the tools, or the methods to make it"

"Ok, sure thing, I'll go get everything set up!"

She nodded "Okay"


<Sam's POV>

I held the Scythe in my hands, I could feel the light passing from my body to the weapon, my light reacting with the dust in it. It is powerful.

"Thanks for helping me out with this, Ruby" she smiled "It was no problem"

I sat it on a weapon rack.

"So...how did you get this many?" Ruby asked. "I could tell you of years of training and fighting, forging and repairing"


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