Chapter 14

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I am so sorry for keep my readers waiting. <3 My Laptop had stopped working, so I couldn't continue writing. <3 :( A friend of mine helped me get a used laptop, so that I can continue working on my fanfics. <3 I just got my laptop a few days ago, so I can now continue working on my fanfics. :) <3 Enjoy!! ^_^ <3

As the months passed, the weather got warmer. Snape and Harry went to visit Harry's parents on boxing day. They both left flowers on their grave and talked. Snape had received gifts for his 39th birthday. Harry and Ginny's gift was a silver doe figurine, with green almond-shaped eyes. Hagrid's gift was a book on creatures and how to better defend yourself against them if they attacked. Ron and Hermione's gift was a copy of the book called, Moste Potente Potions. He now had his own copy of the book. No more going to the library now. He never liked the look he gets from Madam Pince, every time he borrowed a book from there. Snape had both books on his book shelf now. The figurine was on the mantle, below the portrait of Lily. Harry came to visit Snape one afternoon. He had a surprise for him. Harry knocks on Snape's office door. Snape said, "Enter." Harry enters and said, "Hi, Severus." Snape looks up from his desk and looks surprised to see Harry there. Snape smiles, "Hello Harry, what brings you here to Hogwarts." Harry pulls out a scroll and hands it to Snape. Snape unscrolls it and reads what's written on it. Snape looks up at Harry in surprise, "Harry.... This is a form for guardianship.... It makes me your father if I do this....." Harry smiles, "I know. I want you to fill it out. We'll both sign it and make it official." Snape looks surprised at Harry, "You want to make this official?" Harry nods smiling, "Yeah. Please Severus." Snape looks at the form, then at Harry. Snape said, "I'll do it, Harry. I want this more than anything." Harry smiles, "So do I, Severus." Snape picks up his quill and dips it in the ink bottle. He reads the form, then signs it. He turns the form to Harry and hands him the quill. Harry signs it right under Snape's signature. Harry hands Snape back his quill and rolls up the scroll. Harry said, "Thank you, Severus." Snape said, "You're welcome, Harry." Harry said, " Oh by the way, Ginny and I are getting married. I would like you to come to our wedding. Ron is my groomsman man. I want you to be my best man, Severus." Snape surprised by this piece of news, smiles, "Congratulations Harry! You're asking me to be your best man?" Harry nods smiling. Snape smiles, "I'd be honored to be your best man, Harry. Thank you." Harry said, "Thank you, Severus. You are very welcome. The wedding is at the end of this month, at 2pm. Ginny and I will be getting married at the Burrow. See you at the wedding! Don't be late!" Snape smiles, "See you then, Harry." Harry pockets the scroll and bids Snape farewell. Now he will have to find dress robes for Harry's wedding. Snape finishes grading essays and sets his quilL down. He had better go buy dress robes for the wedding, now that he finished grading those essays. Snape gets up and heads out of his office. He locks and wards his door, then heads out of the castle. Snape heads passed the gates and down to Hogsmeade. He enters a shop that sold robes for all occasions. Snape went up to the counter and said, "I am looking for dress robes for a wedding I've been invited to." The wizard behind the counter with white hair and gray eyes said, "Hmm, let's see what we have." He leads Snape to where the dress robes are. He said, "What kind of dress robe are you looking for, sir?" Snape said, "The usual black dress robe, but with a white bow tie." The wizard smiles, "I believe I have something like that here, let me look." The wizard starts looking around the shop for the dress robe and eventually found one near the back of the shop. He comes back with the dress robe and shows him, "Something like this, sir?" Snape looks at the dress robes the wizard was showing him. It was exactly what he was looking for. The dress robe was black. It came with a black waist coat, a white button down shirt and a white bow tie. Snape said, "It's perfect. Do you, by any chance, have dragon-hide boots that will go well with this dress robe?" The wizard smiles, "Indeed I do, sir. Let's get the size of your feet." Snape nods ans sits down as the wizard sets the dress robe on the counter and returning with a measuring tape. He measures Snape's foot then said, "Wait here while I get your boots, sir." Snape nods and waits. After a few minutes the wizard returns with a pair of shiny black dragon-hide boots. Snape said, "They are perfect. How much are the dress robe and boots?" The wizard said, "Follow me, sir." Snape follows the wizard to the front of the shop. The wizard rings up his 2 items and said, "That will be 250 galleons total, sir." Snape said, "You may take it out of my vault at Gringott's. Just let the goblins know of the purchase." The wizard nods and carefully puts the dress robe and boots in a bag and hands it to Snape. The wizard said, "I shall let them know. Thank you for shopping here. Come again soon." Sape nods and takes the bag, then leaves the shop as the shop owner goes to alert Gringott's bank of the purchase. Snape leaves Hogsmeade and heads up to the castle. He was looking forward to Harry's wedding.

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