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Author: Hehehe

Nico di Angelo led the repair boy above deck.

He had a plan, and he needed it to work. He hoped it worked. He wanted it to work.

Once they got above deck, Leo and Nico started to watch the sunrise.

"Sooooo..." Leo said

"Um, well I, uh, I really don't know how to put this" Nico said.

"Well, what are you trying to talk about?"


"Feelings are stupid"

Nico smiled, sense he could agree with that answer.

"Ya know," Leo said "Humans are weird, they have to deal with a bunch of feelings, which most of the time, they don't want to tell anyone about, they can break, and you can't fix them, like you can't fix a completely broken arm, can you?"

Leo sighed, the continued "But machines to me, they were always easier, they all have a purpose, and if they break, I can fix them, they report and tell you everything, humans don't do that." He chuckled, "I call humans 'organic life forms', because to me, that's what they are, organic life forms, you can try to fix them, but sometimes they break even more instead, or sometimes it's impossible to fix them."

"Leo," Nico said "since when were you so smart?"

Leo smiled, "since I was like, six maybe?"

"Wow" Nico said, "then why do you act always so dumb?"

"When I was eight years old, I could actually do equations, collage aged kids couldn't do, anyways, i act dumb because.."he hesitated, but then he looked at Nico and continued

"It's sort one of the only ways I can hide my feelings..."

"Feelings are stupid" Nico grumbled.

"Exactly!" Leo said, waiving his hands up in the air.

Oh, he was absolutely adorable, Nico want to kiss him......

"Hey Leo,"Nico said "do you know how adorable you are?"

"Of course I do!, wait, why are you complementing me?"

"What, am I not allowed to complement you?"

Leo chuckled, "fair enough, I just wasn't expecting it..."

Nico looked at Leo, it took him a minute, but the he said "I like your hair..."

"Really?" Nico said.

"Ok, that sounds stupid, but I really do, like it looks long and all soft and fluffy"

Nico laughed and smiled, and Leo smiled back..

"I want to show you something really cool that I can do" Nico said, with a smirk on his face, "give me your hand"

"Um ok" Leo said as he gave the Ghost King his hand.

Nico looked at it first, it had a few, very tiny scars from working with machines all the time. Then he pulled on Leo's hand. Leo stumbled and his face landed a few inches away from Nico's.
And he took that opportunity.

Nico di Angelo kisses Leo Valdez.

And that was the best day in Nico's life.


Ok, I'm mad, at myself,...for not posting for so long...
I'm like gonna be writing as much as possible, but know I have to deal with moving.
I was gonna start writing again, a few weeks ago, but I got stupid writers block, ugh, anyways I'll be posting as much as I can, I promise, for real this time.

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