7: The Victor and The Result

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Your POV

Both of us stance ourselves, waiting for the other to strike. Carl Grey had already signalled us to begin, but here we are, still face to face against each other. Neither of us wanted to move at all.

Carl cleared his throat. "It has been a minute. Will neither of you still make a move?"

But then, Sebastian, spoke up. "Please do not interrupt, my lord. They are clearly not making a move against one another because they are being cautious. They do not know much about their opponent so they are trying to read each other before making their move."

I got annoyed. I stood up straight and dropped my arms on my side. Side-glancing Sebastian, I glared at him. "Is it your habit to distract my concentration and giving out my strategy, Sebastian?"

Both of their eyes widened, but I knew exactly why. Without looking in front of me, my hand flicked my sword in front of my face and twisted the sword that was about to attack me. My eyes flickered to the Earl's annoyed face as we locked our swords.

"Oh? Trying to do a surprise attack while I am distracted? How cruel of you my lord." A sadistic smile crawled up to my lips. His eyes widened and he quickly flew back.

I whipped my sword to my side and stanced myself again, but this time, I was ready to attack him. I could feel another adrenaline rush course through my veins. I tilted my head on the side and gave him the sweetest smile I ever wore in my life. "Why did you move back, my lord? You had a perfectly good chance earlier."

I could feel the blood rush up my cheeks and my breathing became a bit ragged. I could feel the blood rushing and coursing through my veins. Ahh...this feel so good...the adrenaline rush! Never would I have thought to see the day that I would find another enemy that would make my toes curl in anticipation.

I swung my sword again but he easily blocked it, but this time, he can't attack me yet because this will directly go through him if he stops defending himself. Yes, more! Show me more of that desperate face. Ahh...that face looked exactly like the one I defeated before. It's such a shame that I didn't get to battle that person again. It's sad really....no longer able to hold a sword from getting permanent damage.

It was exactly like this! My hand withdrew and I quickly pushed him back, making him stumble. There it is!


I plunge my sword, aiming for his chest. It hit. But not his chest. My eyes looked at the hand, holding the tray that stopped me from piercing my blade into the Earl's body. Sebastian.

"That is quite enough young mistress. We are not here to make war with the Earl. Nor we are here to harm them. You do not want last time to happen again. Do you?" He said very quietly, making sure that only I could hear.

My senses dawned back again and I withdrew my sword from the hole of the metal tray he held. All Greys were astonished and shocked about what just happened. A little girl, almost killing a well-known swordsman?

Well that is just outright preposterous, don't they think?

Sebastian's POV

My, my... To think that I would have to stop my young mistress from killing this man. Even though I wanted her to do it or I would like to do it myself, I think my lord wouldn't approve of that at all.

And surprise, surprise! I didn't think that I would see this side of her. How...cute.

I turned around and faced the Earl Grey. "I humbly do apologize, my mistress seems to have been swayed by her emotions. You see, she tends to get too excited when she is facing strong opponents." Putting the metal tray down on the table, I continued.

"We simply cannot allow this fight to continue, Earl Grey. You are an experienced swordsman but my young mistress is as experienced. You know her mother is the genius swordsman since childhood, yes? Plus, she managed to permanently disable one of her opponents before." I smiled at him. "I believe it was your other Charles?"

His eyes widened. "The other Charles? You mean the person who defeated my partner was a mere child? Impossible!"

My young mistress tilted her head to the side and a confused look was plastered on her face. "Charles? Your partner?..." Her pointer finger tapped on her chin and she looked up, trying to connect the dots.

How was my master's daughter so cute? She was definitely a little devil but how come I find her less of a nuisance now?...

"Ahh! That's right! He also had white hair like you and he was also named Charles, like you!" She beamed and smiled genuinely for the first time since she came here. "You fight the same and you gave off the same aura as him! No wonder I felt a similar feeling of adrenaline when I was fighting him, as with you!" She was smiling so much but then suddenly she became flustered. "S-s-sorry! I felt excited, I couldn't contain myself from blurting out such embarrassing things just now. I apologize!" She said as frantically explained and bowed.

The 3 men beside me were flustered as well but the Earl was the first to compose himself.

"Well, since the duel was interrupted by your butler, but it was clear who won then I guess it ended with--" but the Earl was cut off.

"A draw." My young mistress announced before the Earl could finish. This made our eyes widen in shock.

The Earl was about to protest but I quickly stopped him. "My young mistress has spoken. She clearly sees that she had not won but neither have you." This is an interesting turn of events...

But her next words suddenly gave a shock to us all.

"The marriage is still on dear Earl, but only if you will be my husband." She said, a light blush and a sweet smile played on her flawless face.

(FN) Phantomhive...you are a force not to be reckoned with.

But before this chapter ends, the author would like to say that the A/N at the end is a must read.

(Author: h-hey! I could have just said that myself! Stop breaking the fourth-walls!!!)

My apologies author...


Hey guys! I know that this is an unexpected turn of events but my idea shocked me as well!

This is a Reader x Sebastian book no doubt.

But this event will make the story more interesting and realistic to how the reader forms a budding relationship with Sebastian. You may think I am crazy now and say that "This is not what she let on! This is clearly a Reader x another guy that isn't Sebastian" but you will soon see that it will soon go to that point!

There is a reason that YOU said those words and you will find out if you keep reading! I'm not spoiling XD

Sorry for the veryyyyy late update as well but I promise I will do my best not to let this happen again!

Happy reading!




Lots of Love~~~


My Father's Butler (Sebastian x Reader) {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now