Some Weird Dream I Had One Time: Storytime.

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So, it was a few weeks ago that I had this weird dream. So I was in a plane with this little girl who was probably about 6 and it was just us. So she tells me that she is going to Bozeman, Montana (which is where I went for spring break) and I tell her that I'm going to Florence, Italy (I actually want to go there). This is when it gets strange, so we are taking off in Nashville, Tennessee (the airport I went to when I went to Montana) but we then go behind the hospital in this city called Oak Ridge which is a few hours away from Nashville. The strange thing about it is that the plane starts driving on the highway. No damage whatsoever.

Well, in the words of Deep Purple's "Highway Star" ...
"Alright, hold tight, I'm a Highway Star!"

Yeah, I'll do more storytimes in the future.

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