20 Reasons Why I Hate My Grade

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1. Over half of us got a teacher to quit her job.

2. These kids have no respect for anyone.

3. They're so disrespectful.

4. All the know how to do best is fine your weakest point and use that against you.

5. People suffer from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and depression and anxiety and autism which they never asked for and these people think it's ok to joke about it.

6. I might have to be put on anxiety medication just because these people.

7. These kids still bully this one kid because she stole a girl's watch which was over 2 months ago.

8. These kids say that other kids are so mean when they're just as mean.

9. If you're unpopular, they will not listen to what you have to say or what you're feeling.

10. They scream at someone they're autistic thinking it's a bad thing.

11. I've cried and had multiple anxiety attacks just because of those people.

12. They think it's cool to cuss and yell at each other and joke about mental health when it's not.

13. They don't care if example: Someone in the grade is suicidal, they will use that against that person.

14. This grade is like Survivor: We all don't like each other, our "friends" are just alliances, and we need them so we don't get voted off the show, so we don't become targeted for bullying.

15. They won't take your mental disorder(s) seriously.

16. We're all so rude to each other.

17. With the way these kids act and talk, I won't be surprised if they end up in the news saying they killed a man.

18. They're all idiots.

19. It seems like I have to watch for every little action I do because these kids will make you suffer if you're not perfect.

20. These kids act like they're autistic which makes me what to beat the shit outta them.

(If my nephew, who is autistic and is the cutest thing on this planet, went to my school and someone made jokes about him being autistic, I will knock them out I don't care if it's one of my friends. I WILL knock the shit out of ANYONE who dares to make jokes about him. I don't care if I get suspended or expelled.)

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