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season one episode one & two ; rising . . .

part nine . . .

inside the tent . . .

athos . . .

the pegasus galaxy . . .

"These men wish to trade," Halling informed the woman, standing close to her and glancing over at them. John nervously pulled off his goggles and ruffled his hair, making it look wilder. Jay stepped forward with a kind smile, snapping out of her momentary shock, and the leader smiled back, but neither said a word, seeming to understand the almost electric feeling tingling beneath their skin. She recognised it well, an all too similar feeling to her first meeting with Evan.

"Oh, it''s nice to meet you," John said, stepping up beside Jay with a charming smile and for once not flirting with the woman. Of course, Jay knew John was being kind, however, it didn't stop her from sending him a glare.

"I am Komandan Teyla Emmagan, daughter of Tagan, sister of Letnan Adrian Emmagan." [ Athosian ; Commander, Lieutenant ] Teyla introduced herself. Jay noted that word again and resolved to ask its meaning even as she sent her a smile.

"An honour to meet you, Teyla. I am Lt Commander M. Joycelyn McKay, sister of Doctor M. Rodney McKay." Jay was doing her best to stay calm, yet her heart was beating fast and her palms felt sweaty.

"Colonel Marshall Sumner, Major Sheppard and Lieutenant Ford. We have very few specific needs." Colonel Sumner interrupted, reminding Jay about why they were there.

"We do not trade with strangers," Teyla said sharply, sternly, annoyed with the Colonel for interrupting.

"Is that a fact?" Sumner asked, raising a brow.

"Well, then, we'll just, uh...we'll have to get to know each other. Me, um, I like Ferris wheels and college football, anything that goes more than two hundred miles per hour." John rambled a little, clearly nervous. Jay gave a small smile, and Aiden leaned over towards the Major.

"Sir, that's not going to mean anything to them." Aiden reminded him, and John replied in the same low tone.

"Feel free to speak up. I'm just trying to break the ice here."

"These people can't help us. I'd rather not waste the time." A small shudder ran up John's spine. It unsettled John because for as long as he'd known about Soulmates, you could always sense your soulmate was nearby, even if you didn't notice it.

"Each morning, before dawn, our people drink a stout tea to brace us for the coming day. Will you join us?" She directed the question towards John and Jay, who had been nothing but courteous towards her the whole morning.

"I'd love a cup of tea." Jay smiled, Teyla returning the smile as John gave a similar smile as he stepped up beside Jay.

"I love a good cup of tea. Now, there's another thing you know about us." John turned back to Sumner. "We're practically friends already." Aiden looked at Sumner, who quirked an eyebrow and smiled at John's tactic despite himself.

After the tea which was more like watered-down coffee, during which Jay and Teyla kept sneaking glances at each other, it was almost like Sumner could tell Jay wanted to talk with the Athosian leader alone because as much as he didn't like her, Sumner was damn respectful of soulmate potential meetings. With soulmates, it was tricky, because while some people had words that their soulmates spoke to them for the first time, others had symbols that represented the other in a way nothing else did. Some had both, and some had none. For Jay and Evan, both of their marks had been symbols, one of which was unidentifiable and both she and Evan had spent a few hours one evening pouring over books in Daniel's lab, books on earth and other cultures they had records of but had turned up empty.

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