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I secretly handed him the money that I had hidden in a black purse. He took it, opened the purse and quickly counted them. I could see his greedy eyes getting the satisfaction they wanted.
"Good job." He said and signed me to follow him inside. His house was huge and luxurious, but we usually met at his garage in the back yard. It was cold that night, so we closed the garage door behind us and sat at the little desk. Seungdon opened the right drawer and took out 15 more plastic little bags.
"How many days do you think you need for these?" He moved one bag in front of my nose. I could smell it. I took a second to think.
"Give me 5 days. I will approximately earn 750$ plus some tips."
"Wow. If you do this, I'm paying you 200$ for these. Are we okay?"
I nodded and took the little bags of cocaine inside my backpack.

I left for my house immediately. A little apartment in the same neighborhood, a couple of blocks away. The wind was making my face and neck cold, but it made me forget about any worries I had. I would always feel insecure, walking down the road late at night, with a bag full of cocaine. But I had to sell it as fast as I could. Actually, the faster the better. Seungdon would pay me good money as always.

I met Seungdon at a night club two months ago. I was sitting alone in the bar, having my drink, when he suddenly approached me and sat next to me. He ordered us drinks and then started a conversation with me. I should have understood his intentions. He was looking for a dealer. First, he tried to discreetly sell me some cocaine. I kindly refused. I felt intimidated, but he didn't want to harm me, I could tell that. He was nice and kind and he was there alone.

I asked him if he was in search of a dealer. He smiled and called me a smart lady. He then wrote down an address and handed the little paper to me. We would have a meeting there. He needed people of trust and I could be one of them. Thankfully, he trusted me and saw something in me from the first time. I proved him right as soon as I joined him. It was that period of my life that I really needed money. Desperately. I was working at a local cafe as a barista, but they didn't pay me enough to leave well in my apartment. I wanted to buy a bigger and better house with more conveniences. Maybe a car. I just needed money to achieve everything I wanted back then. And dealing brought me what I wanted faster than I imagined.

Since then, I was Seungdon's right hand. He would buy certain types of drugs from his "acquaintances" and we would both sell it around the city usually in the night time. It was safer at night. He paid me really well I have to admit.

Who could ever thought that cocaine was the most popular substance among others. Teenagers and college students would also go with pills like LSD, MDMA and even Xanax, since they weren't allowed to get it from the drug stores. We were seriously gaining a lot of money these two months. At first, I couldn't believe how the drug industry could get you so much money, but there I was, saving up for a new apartment.

After exactly 5 days, I met Seungdon again in his garage. It was late at night and I had just sold the last cocaine bag at an underground bar. That job was dangerous, but I had nothing to lose. It was either money or nothing. And so far, I was good at this. When I handed the money in cash to him, he looked me all excited. He couldn't believe it either. All the bags were sold for more than 800$.
"How are you doing this?" He said counting the money again and again. "If you can sell 15 bags for 800$ in five days, that means that working with that pace could bring us 5K in a month."
I was standing there behind the desk, watching the well-known satisfaction in his eyes. He handed me 250$ and I immediately put them in my bag.
"I will buy more bags tomorrow, so meet me here after 11 p.m. We're getting reach, Chungha." He smiled at me and hid the rest of the money in the same right desk drawer that kept every illegal substance. He had to pay our providers. My partner had also clarified to me that he was always keeping 100$ more than me for himself, but I was fine with that. He was actually doing the most dangerous job. Meeting up with the "plug".

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