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Monday morning was fine at work. It was my pay day, so I left the "Vienna" cafe all excited about my day so far. I was still saving up for a new apartment and I was getting there. I was walking down the road until I reach my apartment, thinking of how I would sell my 10 bags for more than 500$. Seungdon was out of his mind and I had to go with his flow. On the other hand, I was thinking ways to see his sister again.

When I got home I turned the TV on, only to come up to a terrifying incident on the news.
"...5 people under the age of 21 years were found dead on Saturday night at a local underground club... The autopsies showed high percentage of cocaine in the victims' blood... The police is still investigating the case, trying to find the main suspects and shut down any illegal business..."
I couldn't believe my ears. My legs couldn't bare me. I lied on a chair and kept staring at my wall. The news were playing inside my head on and on. I was somehow responsible for the death of 5 people. I could never live up to that, but I knew from the start that what I was doing had such consequences. I had to overcome my emotional weakness.

I immediately called my partner that afternoon and he asked me to meet him at the old garage for a conversation. The situation was more serious than ever and apparently we were both a bit apprehended by what had happened.

"I came as fast as I could..."
"I can't believe this is happening. For fuck's sake. Things were going so damn well and now this!" Seungdon was clearly angry.
"Did you get in contact with the providers?" I asked walking inside the garage full of anxiety.
"Yeah. And the fuckers told me that we all need to be in hiatus for a bit."
That was terrible. If we stopped dealing, we would stop earning money and we both needed money. Even Seungdon seemed to need the money we made from cocaine.

Suddenly, the garage door opened.
"Hey!" It was Sunmi.
Seungdon and I were both shocked with her sudden entrance. How did she know that we were in there?
"What are you doing here?" Her brother angrily asked her.
"I just saw you walking in half an hour ago and I got confused. Are you using this old space?"
I was staying silent, checking her out. Even if I was in total fear of getting caught, I couldn't lose a chance to admire her silhouette. That woman was a masterpiece.

Sunmi was looking at me with her piercing eyes. She didn't look away for a second. And of course I couldn't look away either. I was enjoying it and for a second I had forgotten about my worry. I think I was smiling to her.
"Lee Sunmi, this is not the right time for you to be here."
"Aren't you going to tell me what's going on here?"
"We're thinking of renovating the place. Alright?"

The woman didn't quiet seem to believe her brother, but she decided to leave us alone unbothered by Seungdon's behavior.
"It was nice to see you again, Chungha." She said and left before I could even say something back.

Seungdon looked at me in a very angry way, asking me why his sister had just said that.
"Maybe she likes me. Jesus." I said all calm.
"Remember what I've told you, Kim Chungha. Stay away from her."
I assured him that he had nothing to be afraid of. But I guess I was an excellent liar.

That night I took a risk. I really needed the money, so I visited a local underground bar and managed to sell 4 bags of cocaine for 550$. I was afraid to tell Seungdon though, in case he started up a fight with me again, but I had to keep him informed. I decided to text him and meet him at the garage again since it was only 10. He texted that he was already out of town with Sundong and wouldn't be back until tomorrow. Call me crazy, but I went by his house, hoping to see his sister. Going with the same lame excuse. What was going on with my mind and my heart anyway?

"Chungha..." She said in a flirty tone, as soon as she opened the door.
"Hello. I was passing by and thought of asking your brother, if he needed any ideas for the garage renovation." I lied again. It had become like a second nature to me.
Sunmi looked at me with her uneven black eyes.
"My brothers won't be here tonight..."
"And they left you all alone?"
"Yeah... But now you're here. Would you like to come in for a drink?" She suggested.
Fuck. My legs were trembling, but this time I could point out that I was definitely feeling a strong burning right between my thighs.

Noir | Sunmi x ChunghaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin