1K 49 25

Waking up to a call from your boss, and by boss I mean Lee Seungdon, is not the best kind of way to start your day. He was insisting I went to his garage again right after work. I was working until 8 o'clock that day and I was already feeling extra tired. I was constantly thinking about the fact that last night Sunmi and I were again making out, but we always get so unlucky when we stay just the two of us for a while. The good thing was that now I had her phone number and nothing could stop me. Not even her brother.

My shift was actually bearable that day. Maybe because I was having the woman of my dreams in my mind. I was secretly hoping that she would show up again at the little cafe and make me happy. But let's be realistic, I couldn't see her all the time. And I shouldn't be greedy, when my life was practically in danger.

No matter how bad I wanted to get back to my apartment after my exhausting day at work, I walked to Seungdon's house. It was a nice breezy evening. The wind was keeping me up, although my feet hurt from standing for too many hours. I was finally there. I knocked on the old garage's door and Seungdon let me in. He looked really excited, it wasn't like him to usually have this kind of feelings though. I asked him what was going on. Then he nodded me to sit on the desk. He instantly opened the usual drawer and put 1K dollars on it. I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Is this what I think it is?"
He nodded full of satisfaction.
"Those two new assistants... how can I say this... they belong to the elite of the city, so they sold their 10 bags of cocaine to their rich friends for that much. Isn't that crazy?"

I surely couldn't believe that we got so lucky with out two new partners. At first I was hesitant about co-operating with other people, but Seungdon who has been in the drug industry for way more than I had, had just proven me wrong.
"I'm so happy this worked. From now on, I should never doubt you again." I said.
"You better stick to your words, Chungha." He said all serious.
I remained silent. "I also got us 100 more bags with cocaine, LSD and weed. Some fine ass quality weed." He took a bag and smelled it. I knew he wasn't a frequent drug user, but he only did weed from time to time. Especially when he was stressed.
"Let's go sell some bags by ourselves. Are you down?.. And leave the rest for our rich ass assistants." He laughed.
"Okay, let's go."

We visited a night club full of underage people. I still couldn't deal with the fact that young teenage kids were using drugs like it was a game. Most of them would become drug addicts at no time and their parents would pay so much money for rehab. It was sad, but they were willing to give you all their pocked money for a bag of 10g. I was aiming to that.

That night we sold up to 20 bags and we shared the money evenly. We drove back to the garage and he stayed in as usual, to write down to his notebook all of the week's expenses and profits. Lee Seungdon was good at what he was doing for sure. I, on the other side, took advantage of his hard work and as soon as I got my money and my bags, I secretly texted Sunmi.
"Are you asleep? If not, I'm outside your house."

I walked out of the garage and closed the heavy door behind me. The woman received my text and came downstairs to open the house door for me. I gave her a spontaneous hug and she was taken by surprise. She grabbed me by the hand and led me to her room. At the same time, we were trying not to make a sound, since her little brother, Sundong, was sleeping.

I didn't know much about Lee Sundong, the younger twin. I only knew that he was a football player at the city's mens' football team and that I had given him a good impression, the times he saw me. I didn't really care about him to be honest.

We got into her room and instantly lied on her floral bed. I could see that she had been studying until late. Books were wide open on her desk along with pens and pencils between the papers. Sunmi was too good for me. But...

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