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I opened my tired eyes. The sun was already up and I had to be at work. I checked my phone while I was getting ready. Seungdon had already texted me about our night duty.
"Meet me outside the garage at 11 o'clock."
I texted him back. All I had to do was go to the cafe, then get back home and get ready. I might had a few hours to get some rest. I needed it. Who knew how many hours it would take us to sell our bags in that underground club.

Working as a barista was alright I guess. I got to meet new people every day and I loved socializing with people, since I was more of an introvert for my whole life. Customers used to be kind, but there were those specific ones that were getting on my nerves. Always demanding and rude. But you know what they say "the customer is always right". So I only had to smile at them no matter what. I was working at the "Vienna" cafe for almost a year. It was a small local cafe that was very busy in general. The coffee we served was good and the place had a good reputation. I was making up to 700$ monthly. They paid me enough to live decently, but not enough to feel at ease. That's why I was always looking for a second job, until I met Lee Seungdon.

After my shift ended, I packed my things and walked home. It was a nice and breezy evening. The weather was generally nice, but a bit chilly those days. I didn't mind it. After I rested for a while, I put the essential things in my black backpack, got ready and set off for Seungdon's house. I was wearing a black skirt and my total black Vans. The interesting fact about being a drug dealer was that you had to incorporate with your target group. That time we had to sell our stuff at a club that played rave and trance music. We had to get dressed to fit the crowd. We didn't want to be suspicious at any occasion. It was helpful that we were only 25. Sometimes police officers were moving inside the clubs of the city, going undercover, in order to catch offenders. But we would always be extra cautious.

I was outside the house. I was early, so I decided to do something stupid. Sometimes I think that I liked getting in trouble. I knew that Seungdon would be at his garage, waiting for me, so I knocked on the house's door, secretly hoping to see his sister again.

The door opened and unfortunately it was his twin brother, Sundong.
"Chungha!" He said excitedly. "What a pleasure to see you here."
"Hello." I awkwardly said.
The man tried to initiate a conversation with me, but I had no time anyway. With my eyes I was secretly trying to peep inside the house, still standing at the door, in hope of seeing Sunmi being in there.
"Are you looking for my brother?" He asked when he realized that I was looking inside the crib.
"Um... yeah."
"He's not here. But you should come in." He was flirting with me, which made me a bit uncomfortable. I kindly refused his suggestion and left. It was about time I met Seungdon at the garage, so I secretly walked behind the big house.

I was a bit disappointed that I didn't get to see Sunmi again, but now I had to concentrate on work.
"Shall we get going?" Seungdon asked me and locked the garage door. I nodded yes and soon we got into his car. My heart was beating fast. The fear of getting caught was always crossing my mind, but I was trying to be calm and reasoned.

The club was 15 minutes away. We parked the car at the back parking lot and got in. We split and wandered around the crown. We both had some little bags inside our pockets and backpacks. Finding young people that wanted a little "boost up" for the party was easy. Most of them wanted to have more fun and were thinking that pills and cocaine would make them achieve it.

Later that night I met Seungdon at the parking lot at around 3 a.m. We were both done selling our stuff. We had actually sold all of our bags. It was crazy how we would always do that. Sometimes that scared me, knowing that many people were drug users. I could never get involved with substances like these, even though I was selling them. I hadn't had plans for doing that job for a long time. I only wanted to earn at least 10K and then I would withdraw. I had my intentions cleared to my partner, but he was keep telling me that once you get involved, you get greedy for more. I wasn't sure yet.

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