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"One tall espresso."
He stood in the line in front of my counter and ordered his coffee, like a regular customer. As I was preparing it, he checked behind him to see, if anyone was close or hearing us. Then he whispered discreetly.
"Last night, after our "shift", I met with our two rich ass assistants and,  guess what, I gave them all the cocaine bags I had to sell. Later that night they found me and gave me the money. They had sold the half of them in one damn night. Chungha, these guys are gold. They're getting us so much money and we stay safe."
I was checking out the customers too, in case someone was extra curious to find out, what we were talking about. I gave Seungdon his coffee.
"Oh, can you also get me one for my sister?" He asked politely.

That guy was in such a good mood these last days, that this kind of scared me. I nodded and quickly went to the coffee machine right away to make a flat white.
"A flat white." He said all confused.
I was so stupid to rush and raise his suspicions again. I made the coffee and gave it to him. He was looking me weirdly. There it was, that feeling of fear again. Maybe it was written on my forehead "I HAD SEX WITH YOUR SISTER". Maybe I was just being too dramatic. He took the coffees and walked outside the cafe.

"Next customer please?" I said and tried to reduce my anxiety. Everything was fine. I guess.

That night I was at the old garage again. I had decided to give my remaining bags of cocaine to Seungdon and he would pass them to our assistants. I was kind of feeling like a boss too, receiving money and not working. It was much safer as well. No fear of the police going undercover at the clubs you're working every night, no walking alone at night on your way home with a backpack full of cocaine and pills. And the money was still very decent.

Suddenly, Seungdon's face got dark and pale at the same time. I got worried. When I asked him what's wrong, he suggested we went out for a casual drink, something that we didn't used to do, since we were not considered friends. We used to treat each other professionally all this time, but I couldn't say no to him. He looked sad and nervous. Something serious was going on and I would like to help, if I was able.

So we hit a local bar, that we weren't visiting every time we were trying to sell our cocaine. We didn't want to visit a place, that people there knew us from dealing. There was always the fear that someone would recognize us and call us out. This is why we were choosing really carefully out target group. It was usually young and drunk or already high people, that didn't pay much attention to our faces. We would also prefer visiting clubs outside our small neighborhood and always after 10 p.m. This was seriously a dangerous work, but we had our ways. Lee Seungdon was experienced and had helped me a lot to learn the secrets of the job.

While we had our drink, he finally said what I was afraid the most.
"My sister, found out."
I choked on my whiskey.
"What do you mean she found out? How?"
"I-I was in the garage today, right after I met you at the cafe, talking on the phone with the providers. We were having an argument and, I guess I was more loud than I should have. Sumni happened to pass outside the garage and the door was slightly opened, so she got in and... you can imagine the rest."
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" I screamed like a crazy person. It wasn't my character to get out of my mind, but that was practically our destruction.

"Why the hell are you being so worried? She only found out about me. It's not that I will drag you into this with me and not save your ass. Sumni doesn't have to know the whole story."
"I'm not afraid that your sister will turn us in."
"Then what the fuck?" He got angry again and I wasn't even trying to hide my fears. But I had to keep myself calm.
"I don't know. Nevermind, it's not like I care at all. I trust you."

Our conversation had slightly heated up. Seungdon was staring at me in a suspicious way from time to time, but his cold drink made him oversee that I did care, in case his sister found out about me too.
"I will keep telling my siblings the stupid story about renovating the garage. Don't worry." He reassured me after a while.
I was so thankful about that. Lee Seungdon was actually a good and honest man.
"What's the situation between you and Sunmi now that she knows?" I asked.
"I don't know. At first she didn't want to talk to me at all. Then we had an argument... Then I begged her not to tell Sundong and I actually promised her that I would withdraw from the drug industry for good."
"Are you?"
"I don't know. Maybe I will, someday, but not until I find a decent job that pays me well. I have to make ends meat and support financially the house and my siblings."

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