Chapter 4

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(Y/N's POV)

???: "Hi Y/N." She smiles at me, and my heart fluttered, but I didn't smile back, and in my mind, I had one question in mind.

Y/N: 'Xion? What is she doing here on Remnant?' Somehow Ozpin seemed to have read my mind and answered my question.

Ozpin: "Y/N, Xion is here because Yen Sid tasked her to accompany you on your journey."

Y/N: "Ozpin, do you think I'm stupid enough to get myself in trouble or put myself in danger? No, I'm not stupid. I do not need her to be my companion in this mission. This is my world, and I do things my way." 

Xion: "Y/N, Yen Sid specifically said that I should be the one to help you because Mickey is back at the Disney Castle, taking care of Minnie, while the others are also on their separate missions to find Terra, Aqua, and Ventus." I held my head down, knowing full well that if Yen Sid were to send someone else aside from Xion, then he would've made a mistake.

Y/N: "Fine, I'll bite. First of, how did you get here?"

Xion: "I ran after you, and when you were about to be transported by the star, I grabbed onto your gakuran, and it whisked us both into Remnant. However, we were separated after the travel.

Y/N: "I see. Pray tell, what do you expect to find out about Remnant?"

Xion: "I expect to find good people here, people who fight for their world, just like us, but unlike us, we fight for other worlds as well. That difference may set us apart from the Huntsmen and Huntresses, but I believe that they are fighting for what's right." Hearing that statement made me chuckle, and before you know it, I let out a full-blown laugh that echoed throughout the office, shocking Xion. Ozpin knew what had become of me.

Y/N: "You think that the people of Remnant are good people. You are mistaken Xion. Let me tell you why, I used to be loved by my family, but some turn of events had changed them to become even more heartless than the Heartless we face. The darkness inside of them, I could feel it grow into something unspeakable, it felt like it wanted me to join them, but the light in my heart was so pure that they couldn't reach out to me, instead, they tried to sniffle out what little I can muster from the light, and they destroyed my sanity, little by little. After that, I had nothing left of my soul of heart may be physically beating, but the light...I couldn't feel it. So I ask you this, why did the keyblade choose me, knowing that I was neither light nor darkness?" Xion managed to keep a straight face after all I have said, and soon after, she spoke.

Xion: "The keyblade chose you because it wants to guide you. Just like Mickey said to you, he wants to help you find your light and possibly bring it back to you. If you have become a part of the darkness, then maybe you can use it to your advantage." Suddenly, my keyblade materialized in my hands before it started to change it's form, it was no longer the Edge of Disaster, it was now the Sleeping Lion, one of Sora's many keyblade throughout his journeys.

" Suddenly, my keyblade materialized in my hands before it started to change it's form, it was no longer the Edge of Disaster, it was now the Sleeping Lion, one of Sora's many keyblade throughout his journeys

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Y/N: "The Sleeping Lion...heh, I never thought that it would give such a significant symbol to my soul of heart."

Xion: "Your heart is sleeping, it needs to wake up in order for either the light or darkness to seep into your heart." I de-materialized my new keyblade before looking back at Ozpin.

Y/N: "Well, I guess I have no choice but to accept the offer." Ozpin smiles.

Ozpin: "Wonderful, I will have your quarters.. Goodluck to the both of you." We both nodded before we went into our dorm room when Ozpin had given us the key.


Y/N: "Let's get this over with. Find Xion. Gotta get the relic for Xion and I, then we book it back to Ozpin." I was running in the Emerald Forest, trying to find both Xion and the relic. If I were to find anyone else other than Xion, then it would be too complicated for he both of us. So, I had to avoid eye contact with the other initiation members. As I was running, I felt a presence that gave me a sense of déjà vu, and it was right behind me. I was hesitant to turn around, and when I did, I saw an Organization member with his hood over his head so that I couldn't see his face.

Y/N: "What are you doing here...?"

???: "Your heart is sleeping, dear Y/N. Light and Darkness are fighting for it's control, and we can help you get your heart back. All you have to do is give in to the darkness." I materialized my keyblade and pointed at the hooded man.

Y/N: "I'm not playing your games, Xemnas..." He sighs and takes off the hood, revealing that it indeed was Xemnas, the first member of the previous Organization XIII. 

Xemnas: "What a shame, it truly is. To have to put you down." He then summoned his red plasma blades before flying right at me. He went in for a scissor strike, but I just jumped over his blades and whacked him on the head with my keyblade. He flinched back, dazed, before he continued his assault. I managed to dodge every single strike that he threw at me, but before I could go in for a counter attack, a rustle in the bushes could be heard. We turned to the source, and out came a pack of Beowulves. We looked back at each other before I nodded at him, and he got the message. We then did back-to-back, making us have a full 360 view of the pack. I materialized the Edge of Desire on my left hand, so it seemed like I could dual-wield.

Y/N: "On no account does this make us friends or allies."

Xemnas: "Of course. Let's finish these pests before we continue our feud." We then charged into the pack.


After a gruesome 5 minutes of non-stop battling, the whole pack had been killed off. However, I was already fatigue, and so was Xemnas. I turned around to meet him, but he disappeared into the dark portal he had made a second ago. I groaned in annoyance before I was tapped on the shoulder, and I quickly turned around to find Xion.

Y/N: "Oh Xion, nearly made me hit you there."

Xion: "Sorry, it's just that I saw the portal that dissipated and thought that you might've needed some help."

Y/N: "No need, they've got nothing on me. But enough chit-chat, let' get to the ruins." She nodded before we headed North.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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