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| C H A P T E R - F O U R |
The Call & Discovery

No One's POV

Octavia stood with Jasper outside, on the balcony, when Rosalie approaches, with a worried expression on her face.

"What is it, Rose?" Octavia asks.

"It's Bella. She needs to speak to you." Rosalie says.

Octavia takes the phone. Rosalie shuts the door, even though no one else was home.

"Bella?" Octavia asks.

"O. I need your help." Bella says, on the other line.

"What is it?" Octavia asks.

"I'm pregnant. Edward wants me to get rid of him. Everyone does. Except Rosalie. She agreed to help me." Bella says.

"What?!" Octavia snaps.

"Please help me, Octavia. I can't just get rid of my baby." Bella begs.

"You have my word no one hurt you or your child." Octavia vows.

"Thank you. I'll be home soon." Bella says then the two hang up.

"This is going to cause a rip in the family." Rosalie says.

"I know. But this is Bella's chance to have a child. No one should take that away from her. She knows the consequences that may come and she is brave enough to sacrifice herself to give her child a life." Octavia says.

"You're very passionate about this." Rosalie says.

Octavia stays silent.

"Because.. I think I might be pregnant as well." Octavia says.

Jasper freezes and turns to her. Rosalie's eyes wide. Jasper's were even wider.

"How?" Jasper asks.

"I've been feeling weaker, I've been getting pains and I'm half witch, which makes me half human so therefore I still get my period. And I'm late on that by 4 weeks." Octavia says.

"Why haven't you said anything?" Rosalie asks.

"Another complication. Because I'm technically dead, it messes with my period cycle. I get it in long periods of time. For example, I'll get it for four months then all a sudden I can go another four months without it. That's how my aunt Freya explained it." Octavia says.

Freya Mikaelson reappeared a few months back and Octavia has only recently spoken to her.

"Carlisle!" Jasper says, gently dragging Octavia to Carlisle's office.

Carlisle and family rush in a few seconds after Jasper and Octavia walked in.

"What is it?" Carlisle asks.

"How can she be checked? She thinks she's pregnant as well." Jasper says, urgently.

Everyone but Carlisle and Rosalie froze. Carlisle immediately jumped into action.

"Octavia, lay on the bed and lift your shirt." Carlisle says.

Octavia does and Carlisle puts the gel on her stomach then puts the little monitor on her belly and moves it around until a heartbeat is heard followed by a picture on the screen.

"Esme, get Klaus on the phone." Carlisle says.

Esme rushes out of the room.

"Is this going to be the same case as Edward and Bella's?" Jasper asls Carlisle.

"I'm not sure. Bella is human but Octavia is immortal. She's also a witch, making her half human. But the vampire parts might play a part in this. I've never had this case or heard it so I'm not sure what will happen, Jasper. Hopefully Klaus can provide some answers." Carlisle says.

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