Your logic is flawed

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  The first question belonged to John.
"Is Slavery still legal?" He asked. "Nope! If you own a slave, you'll most likely go to jail." I say proudly. John's face lit up like a Christmas tree. Thomas scoffed. "I'm disappointed.." He mumbled. I send him a glare. "Next question." I say. James raised his hand. "Yes James?" James looked around. "I don't think any of us know where we are..So where are we?" The others grumbled in agreement. "You are currently in the state known as Georgia. More specifically Marietta, Georgia. If you want more detail, you're in the Cobb County district and in my house." I reply. James nodded. But Jefferson had something to say about that. "You own this house? Where is your husband? Or father?" He asked. I looked at him. "I do have a husband. If I had a husband, I'd be cheating on my girlfriend. And I moved out of my parent's house, a year ago." I said. The boys gasped. I look at them weirdly. "What?"

George spoke, for the first time. "You have a girlfriend? Isn't that illegal?". He asked.
I shook my head. "Not anymore! Anyone could love whoever they want to. Boys can love boys. Girls can love girls. Heck, they can love both genders!" I state. The men nodded. "Anything else?" And all the boys raised there hands.

      (Time skip brought to you by moi)

  10:29pm....I'm fuxkin tired... We ate dinner and we picked bedrooms. I have realized that my house is small. I have 3 bedrooms and there are 11 people (not including me) in this house. Meaning everyone has to share a room and some people have three people in a room. I'm gonna have to buy a whole new house. Luckily, my parents are very wealthy and would help me buy one, or just buy one for me and help me pay my bills. I'll get them new clothes tomorrow because who likes shopping at 10:34pm? Not me.

  I'm half way asleep on the couch when someone wakes me up. "Emilia?" I look up tiredly. "Yes?" I reply. "You're tired. Go to sleep." They say. I'm so tired, that I can't even make out the voice. "Who are you?" I ask. Suddenly, I'm off the couch and on my bed. "Good night, Emilia." They say. The open my door but before walking out, they answer my question. "Oh, it was Aaron." And he closed the door.


Sorry this was so short, it's currently 1:15am when made this chapter so grammer mistakes and spelling mistakes are gonna be common. So sorry for that. I'll probably make the next chapter later on today because it's too late to make a whole other chapter. So bye!

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