Shopping and more humans

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  Emilia's POV

  I was asleep dreaming about food, when there was THE LOUDEST KNOCK AT MY DOOR! I groan and look at my phone for the time. "1:00? It is way to early." I mumble and put my head back on my pillow so I can sleep....

"EMILIA ROSE CATS! GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP!" Someone yelled. It sounded familiar, so I replied. "What? Who is you?" The person opened the door. I lift my head to face the person. It was my friend. Mariea. "Oh hello there, Mar..." I greet and go back to sleep. Mariea grabbed my arm and dragged me out of bed. I start to giggle. "Hehe. What are you doing?" I ask. Mariea dragged me down the stairs and into the living room where boys are. She finally let's go of my arm. "Who are they, and why are they dressed weirdly?" She asked. Now, if you don't know Mariea, (which you probably don't) she's my friend. She usually only comes here if she really wants something. So seeing her here, makes me think that I've probably done something wrong and she's here to tell me what I owe. But right now, shes asking about the fulling grown men in my living room. Great.
"Um..those are my roommates. Alexander, John, Long Ass Name de Lafayette, Hercules, Aaron, Thomas, James, George, and Philip." I reply. Mariea looks at me. "Long Ass Name..? Who the fuxk did you pick up off the street? And where's August? Does she know about this?" Mariea asked. I shook my head. Mariea sighed. "Ok....first...let's get them some clothes. We'll probably have to get Olli to help bring clothes so they can actually go out." Mariea said, taking out her phone to probably text Olli. I nod, "Ok! I could probably have my ma drop some money on my cash app." I say. Mariea nodded. The boys looked so confused. Then, Philip starts to talk. "What's wring with our clothes?" He asked. Mariea looked up. "You think.....that those think people still wear those?" Mariea chuckled. The boys have gotten more confused.

  Then, there was a knock at the door. I got up to get it. What a surprise, it's Olli. "Hi Olli!" I greet. Olli gives me a hug and walks in. "So. I have your order of 11 shirts and 11 jeans...what for?" He asked, before looking up to see the group of men. "I'm not even gonna ask." Olli said. He shoved the clothes in my hands and walked out. Mariea and I chuckled. "Ok, put these on and meet Mariea outside." I say, getting a nod from each one of them. Mariea walked outside as I walked into the kitchen. I was quietly making food, humming Take a Break from Hamilton:An American Musical
I love that musical. So. Fricken. Much.

I turned so quick, I thought I would break my neck. Like you're not expecting a thud coming from your living room and then all of a sudden you here. 'BOOM BITCH!' And then a crash! I walk into the living room to see 3 more fuxking people..."Why me?! What did I do?" I whined. I ended up calling Olli to tell him to bring three more pairs of clothes. I explained the wonders of the world to the three. The three being:
King George
Samuel Seabury
And Charles Lee.
Fuxk my liffeeeeeeee.

     (Time skip brought to you by Emilia's unfiltered mouth)


I'm in the clothes store. Everybody was picking out there clothes...MARIEA IS GOING TO RUN TO ME, TELLING ME THAT SHE HAS LOST ONE OF THE FUXKIN MALES! I was pissed... Like really pissed. I ended up paying for all of there clothes and ran out trying to find the idiot that left the group.

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