IMMM BACCCC(for a bit)

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Emilia's POV

Me and the gang were running around tryung to find that one dumbass that decided it was a good idea the leave the group in a world they don't know. That idiot was Alexander...of course.

"Where is he?!" I yell, clearly frustrated.

Mariea just kept walking around until she stopped in her tracks. We stop with her.

"Mar?" John asked. "You good?"

Mariea rushed to a group of people, and we followed. Then we saw the problem. A group of people surrounding Alex. Alex was in a corner. Scared as fuxk. I groan and walk up to one of the people.

"Excuse me, sir. Why the fuxk is your...fiends surrounding my good friend?" I ask, trying to hide my anger.

"Your 'friend' was being a bitxh thats why. He was trying to start something, we has to show 'em who's boss." He replied.

I make eye contact with Alex and sigh. I push pass the group and stand in front of Alex.

"Please....leave him alone. I'm in a very bad mood right now. I suggest you leave now." I say.

The group laughs. I rolled my eyes.

"I said, I want you to leave. If you have a problem, I can gladly show you where the fuxkin door is because I will not tolerate this bullshit right now. I will not hesitate to shove my foot up all yall's asses if you do not leave now." I say.

The group freezes and walk away quickly. Alex was shooketh as I turned to face him. The rest of the group walks towards us. Mariea immediately takes out her phone, knowing what's gonna happen. And she's right. I slap him.

"Why THE FUXK, did you think. It was a good idea to leave the group and start some shit with people you don't even know?!" I yell.

Alex shrunk back in fear. I sigh and drag him back.

"C'mon, we're leaving." I say, angerly.

Ok, I just wanted to make a part even though this is discontinued. I just got bored. So, here ya go. Another part. But this us the final part. :3

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