A Day

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Hi, hope you enjoy this story it's my first. Please give it a chance. I will be updating at least once a week.

I wake up to my alarm on my phone ringing. I get up from my bed and walk across to my desk to turn it off. I purposely do this cause if it was next to me I could just turn it off and go back to sleep. I grab my phone, it was 6:00 am and I head to my restroom. Breakfast is at 7:00 am and AM training is at 8:00 am. I use the toilet and brush my teeth, I then hop into the shower. I start to think about how slow this week has been. It was pretty boring and mundane.  We have training every day in the mornings for the adults and afternoon for students. There is no training on the weekends and on Fridays it is optional.

I hear the door to my room open and I knew who it was from their scent, my best friend Lia Harper. She is very pretty and tall. Fair skin with shoulder-length brown wavy hair.
"What do you want?" I yell as I put half the bottle of conditioner in my hair.

"Wow, I love you too Lauren!" Lia said from outside the restroom. " I was just making sure you got up."

"I'm sorry, I'm up. Just not in the best mood. How am I tired from binge-watching Supernatural, but you're not?" I say as a rinse of the conditioner and start using my body wash.

"I'm just a morning person. Do you want me to pick your clothes for training?" She asked.

"Yeah please!" I rinse the body wash and turn off the water.

I open the shower door and grab my towel. Trying not to slip cause it's still early in the morning. I pat myself dry and open the door of the restroom to see Lia laying on my bed. The clothes were folded in the corner of the bed and she was watching catfish on my tv. She was wearing a matching grey sports bra and leggings, she had her hair in a bun. Her brown eyes focused on the tv. I grab my set of blush pink sports bra and leggings along with undergarments and head to the restroom to change and lotion up. When I finished I came out and put my shoes on. I brushed my hair and applied deodorant and perfume.

"I'm ready," I say as I grabbed my phone.

"Okay, let's go." She said but wouldn't stop watching the tv. So I went and turned it off, grabbing her attention.

"The audacity!!!" Lia said glaring at me. I was trying not to laugh but I couldn't. I started laughing and not in a cute way. I'm talking head backward, gasping for air, and slapping the bed laugh.

"What's so funny?" Lia asked her brows showing the confusion she was in. After composing myself I finally answer.

"Nothing, I'm just at that point in life where you didn't have enough sleep and you're so exhausted that you laugh at the air," I answer trying to choose my words carefully.

"You sure?" Lia asked as she glanced at me. Sometimes she could mother me to death and annoy me. But I know she does it cause she cares.

"Yeah, come on let's help out at breakfast." With that said we head to the main floor to the kitchen. The pack house was busy with pack members. We were late and they had already set out the plates. So we go and take our seats. I sit to the left of my dear brother Josh, the Alpha of Willow Pack. He kissed me on the forehead once I sat down. He looks more like our mom than I do with his green eyes. He is over 6ft like most Alphas and has the same temper as all Alpha blood. He sat at the head of the table and our mom sat to his right. Lia sat next to me.

"Morning!" I say to the pack when I sit down. They all respond or nod.

"You ready to train?" Josh asked as he dug into his plate so the rest of the pack could begin eating.

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