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I felt something poking my cheek. I swatted at it only to be caught by a hand and the familiar sparks running through my body. I snapped my eyes quickly to see Xander eye to eye. He was crouching on the floor meeting me at eye level. He was all dressed up and ready for today.

"You need to get up Bambi. It's 5:15 am. I was going to wake you up earlier, but you looked very cute and peacefully asleep." Xander said still holding my hand.

"Thanks, you can let go now."

"But I don't want to let you go."

"Welp you have no option. I need to get ready." I said getting up and using his hand as support. He soon let go.

He sat down and waited for me to get ready. I had to get ready quickly, I still had to wake up Lia and get her ready. I brushed my teeth and used the toilet. Left the restroom and grabbed my shoes. We then made our way to the floor below us to see Lia. I couldn't help but glance at the bed before we left. The pillow wall was still there and intact.

We got to the door and I opened it. I was about to yell her name, but I stopped. Next to Lia in the bed, laid a curly brunette. I didn't know what to think of this. So logically I approached the male and pulled him out of the bed by his hair.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked as I tugged on his hair a little bit to emphasize. He was confused and angry. He looked behind me and was about to answer when Lia did.

"He's my mate it's okay, let him go." I did as told, releasing my hold on his curls. The brunette stood to his full height towering mine. He kept his eyes on me like he was analyzing me.

"In my defense after yesterday's encounter with the males you never know." I defended myself making a point.

"Well don't just stand there introduce yourself!" I said as I'd had enough of his staring.

"Don't you think you owe me an apology first?" The brunette responded with a smirk, it was a familiar smirk.

"For what, defending my best friend. In my defense, I thought you raped her since she is a saint and would never have a guy in her bed without me knowing." Lia blushed at this.

"Let's start over, my name is Isaac." He said.

"That sounds like a fuck boy name!" Xander chuckled at what I said.

"He is," Xander stated. Finally saying something.

"How do you know him?" I and Lia asked at the same time.

"He is my cousin and Beta," Xander said as he grabbed me by my waist. Lia noticed this and I told her through mind link about Xander.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked.

"I wanted to see how you would handle this," Xander said smiling.

"So it runs in the family" I sighed.

"What does?" Isaac and Xander both asked.

"Being a dick" I responded. Isaac smiled at my response.

"Well, I came to get Lia. We are going to test out my wolf since I couldn't yesterday. So get up, Josh is expecting us in 30 minutes." I said trying to avoid last night's event.

"Why couldn't you?" Lia asked not making it easier.

"Bambi here got in a fight with another wolf because she was jealous," Xander said teasing me. I released his hold on my waist and turned around facing him.

"Well, you know what I think we should make it even. Why don't I go make out with another male so you can fight him, huh?" I snapped back and earned a laugh from Isaac. I wasn't in a mood and didn't appreciate his teasing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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