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The air was warm and welcoming. There was a lot of affection in it as well from the new couples. Sweet from the smell of s'mores around the bonfire. It seemed to be a good way to end the night. Wolves bonding and sharing stories.

Not for me, I was sitting between Josh and Xander on a log. None had said a single word since we came back from my room. It was awkward for me. I'm standing between my brother and his best friend. We weren't alone either, there were other wolves and the Alphas. I don't even know if Josh approves of this. It was rather nerve-wracking so what could I do to keep myself occupied? I ate and ate s'mores, I was starting to get nauseous. Lia would be laughing at this right now. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay, one of you has to say something I can't keep eating s'mores," I said staring at the fire.

"What are the plans?" Josh asked immediately.

"We're leaving tomorrow at noon," Xander answered him.

"That's ridiculous, she isn't leaving!" As soon as Josh said that I was praying they wouldn't break into a fight.

"She's my mate of course she is leaving with me!" Xander yelled back. Now they were yelling over me as I just sat and stared into the fire. The other wolves were getting uncomfortable while the Alphas found this entertaining.

"But she is my sister!"

"You don't understand cause you don't have a mate."

"Ok, how would you feel if somebody just took Kimberly away from you, huh?" Josh one-upped him.

The bickering went on and on. The fire was more mesmerizing. I finally got tired of the bickering and leaned over to Josh and wrapped my arms around him, he did as well.

"You two need to stop acting like children. I'm leaving tomorrow, but it's not forever Josh."

"It's not fair," Josh responded.

"If there's one thing we have learned Josh is that life will never be fair. You just have to jump the obstacles. And you know Xander, he wouldn't hurt me. I'll be safe if not I'll kick his ass myself."

"Okay, but before you leave at 6 am sharp you're going to have a run with me. I want to test your wolf's abilities since I couldn't because of Xander's fault." My brother was truly salty about this.

"Ok and I'll get Lia to come with." My eyes left the fire and looked up to Josh. It all hit me and I was getting overwhelmed.

"Umm, I need to talk to Josh in private okay. I'll meet you in my room later" I told Xander and he nodded. I was starting to reek of anxiety and I'm assuming they could all smell it.

Josh got up and helped me up. We walked to the pack house and then up to his room. The overwhelming sensation oozed out as I cried. Josh just held me in his arms. On July 23 we usually go to my room or his and talk or cry together. This time the crying was bad I couldn't breathe. It all hit me at the same time. It's my birthday, I shifted, it's been officially 3 years without a dad, I was almost raped for the second time, I found my mate, I would have to leave my family. I couldn't breathe. The crying wasn't helping either just making it worst.

"Hey come on, it's okay squeeze my hands." I did as told and didn't let go.

"Breathe in and out with me okay." I tried to keep up but started panicking.

"What's your name?"

"Lauren Rhea Ash" I let out.

"What's our pack?"

"Willow Pack"

"What's moms full name?"

"Selene Ximena Ash"

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