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The break was over. It was time to get back to work for Soo Jin.

"Ah! Finally! Time to chop chop chop!" She rubbed her hands excitedly, for only she knew she meant what she said, literally.

The small beep in her ear alerted her of an incoming message from the Headquarter. She was grateful that the Headquarter weren't in their heads all the time... Respecting privacy was one of the witches' Principles after all.

"Yes ma'am, I'm ready to leave for the assignment" She responded to her senior as she checked her tools.

Yes, her scalpels and knives were perfectly sterile and ready for use.

"Sorry Soo Jin, but after that incident, they don't want you in plain sight within just a week, so you're being given a different kind of assignment..." Soo Jin could swear she heard disdain in her senior's voice.

"Yes, I understand, ma'am. May I get more details about the new assignment?" She asked politely, masking her disappointment.

"Ye Bin will be delivering it to your doorstep in 5....4......3......2.......1."
Just then, the doorbell rang.

Soo Jin took swift steps to the door to see panting Ye Bin.

"" Ye Bin handed an envelope to Soo Jin and pushed her aside. She went straight to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water.

"Easy, girl." Soo Jin gestured Ye Bin to calm down before gulping water too quickly. Despite their magical abilities, most of their body functions were similar to humans.
One of them included how the electrolytes in the body, when diluted too quickly by drinking lots of water after exercise or something, may be harmful for their health.

"We have been finally able to trace the location of last known vampire on the earth. Now your job is to win his trust and get him on our side before it's too late." The senior told her.

"Late for what?" Soo Jin thought.

"You are not yet authorised to have access to that information." The senior replied.

Soo Jin cursed under her breath. She had entirely forgotten that her senior was still in her head.

"Yes ma'am. I'll get to work." She transmitted her words through her thoughts.

"Report at midnight." With that, the senior signed out.

"Man! Whole life of being a witch, and still can't help thinking stuff while.....this..." Soo Jin ranted to Ye Bin.

"Puh-lease. Tell me about it. I get the order to bring this to you within 2 minutes or I'm dead!" Ye Bin's breathing was normal again.

"Well, thanks, see ya later." Soo Jin smiled at her friend and went to her room to study the contents of the envelope.

There was a description and a picture of the so-called last known vampire on earth. She had heard about vampires being handsome but now she saw it for herself...

 She had heard about vampires being handsome but now she saw it for herself

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