Eclipse comeback

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"I've seen it all, Jinyoung. I've seen it all" Jaebeom sighs in front of Jinyoung's face. His heart racing so fast from holding back his anger. He could snapped at any moment by now but just because he is facing with Jinyoung, he has to control his temper.

"Hyung, you don't understand. You really need to listen to my explanation" Jinyoung tries to reach for Jaebeom's hands but Jaebeom quickly walk away, not wanting to listen to any of Jinyoung's excuses. He really had enough.

"Hyung" Jinyoung calls but Jaebeom being Jaebeom, even with his boyfriend, he is being stubborn.

"Not this time, Im Jaebeom" Jinyoung talks to himself. He also left the practice room and head to the company's gym. Not that he wanted to exercise but just wanted to be alone and release his stress. Jinyoung does not understand what he did wrong for Jaebeom to be mad at him like that. He swears that he is keeping distance with any guys because he doesn't want Jaebeom to feel jealous but Jaebeom is still mad and Jinyoung does not know why.

Tomorrow is their first comeback stage and even at this late at night he is still in the company. He does not want fans to know about the quarrel that he had with jaebeom and worse, tomorrow is also their 7th anniversaries as JJ Project. He knows that he has a quick witted ahgases. The fans will sooner or later find out about them. He does not want fans to be worried about them.

Jinyoung wanted to apologise. He really wanted to clear things up but how should he apologises when he does not even know what he did wrong. He ruffles his growing hair. He changes his hair colour into lighter brown. The fans liked it. Even it is just a simple action, he loves it how his fans appreciate every single things that he did.

"Hyung, what are you doing here?" Bambam snapped Jinyoung off from his long daydream.

"Ah nothing, I gotta go" Jinyoung just draw a flat smile on his face and quickly leave the gym. He has a gloomy look on his face until he bumped into someone that he does not even want to meet.

"Hey, you alright?" Jackson asked, grabbing Jinyoung's wrist. Jinyoung gasps in shock and look at his surrounding and glad that he finds that there is no one there except him and Jackson.

"I'm fine. Just tired a little bit" Jinyoung said while pressing the lift button.

"Are you heading home? Let's go home together" since they have a comeback, they need to live in their old dorm together again as it could be easy for them to wake up early in the morning for comeback stage recording.

Jinyoung just nods, agreeing with Jackson's idea. He leans his body at the lift's wall while waiting for the lift reach the ground floor. Surprisingly Jackson does not even force Jinyoung to blurt everything out. He usually will force anyone to tell him about their worries.

"Maybe Jackson is being considerate" Jinyoung thinks and slowly walking through their car. There is also Yugyeom and Youngjae in the car but Jaebeom cannot be seen.

"Where's Mark hyung?" Bambam asked as he just reached the car. He quickly hopped on and sit beside Jinyoung.

"He's already home with Jaebeom hyung" Youngjae answered.

"Both of them took a taxi and straightaway went home" Youngjae added.

"No wonder I cannot find them" Bambam scratchs his not itchy back of the head. Then all of them fall into a comfortable silence.

Jinyoung shuts his eyes off. He does not want to think about the problems but there is always something that brings him back to think about that argument. Jaebeom actually got mad at Jinyoung is not a new thing but Jaebeom actually got mad at Jinyoung for no reason is actually a thing. Jinyoung massages his temple to reassure his dizzy head.

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