Last Piece

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"What is it, hyung?" Jinyoung squints his eyes to smiling Jaebeom who is trying to unlock his front door.

"What?" Jaebeom annoyingly laugh and open the door and hold it for awhile to welcome Jinyoung in and place his shoes in the shelves next to the door.

The five of Jaebeom's cats ambushed them all together and makes Jinyoung's laugh. He plays with them a little while before taking their foods in the fridge and put in their respective plate. He enjoys seeing them after so long.

"You keep smiling sheepishly like that. It must be something" Jinyoung then takes a seat on the couch while eyeing Jaebeom to the kitchen. Jinyoung really feel uneasy when Jaebeom keeps having his annoying smile on his face.

"Want some water, babe?" Jaebeom sips a water from the cup without answering Jinyoung's question.

"Yes, please" Jinyoung throws back his head, relaxing his mind and body after a schedule for the 1theK Originals program just now with all the members.

Jaebeom brings a cup of water and place it on the table in front of Jinyoung. Jinyoung still has his eyes shut and Jaebeom quietly sit next to him.

"We're gonna comeback in few days and that means we do not have time to be alone anymore" Jaebeom mirroring Jinyoung's action, he also throws back his head and relaxing all his muscles.

"What do you mean?" Jinyoung says without opening his eyes. Still in the same position.

"We're gonna be around our members, staffs and our ahgases. They are going to watch our every moves." Jaebeom explains.

Jinyoung hums for awhile. Then followed by silence fill in the room.

"But I feel so happy whenever all of us together again. We can meet our members and our ahgases. Don't you think it's a good thing that we finally come back to our fans?" Jinyoung smiles between his talks, thinking about meeting fans got him excited after so long. He cannot wait to show all of the fans everything that they have prepared for months even just virtually.

"Of course I'm excited. Very excited. I finally can let our fans listen to the song that I composed and I'm very proud with it" Jaebom also smile between his talks.

"It's been so long since I've feel this excited. The schedule just now is so fun. They are not required many physical activities but it's still tiring since we have to think before we answer the riddle" Jinyoung finally takes a sip from the cup that Jaebeom bring earlier.

"Ohhh, excited huh?" Jaebeom wears his annoying smile back and that's enough made Jinyoung confuse.

"What do you mean?" Jinyoung's eyebros furrows and almost tangle with another.

Jaebeom didn't answer but still have the same annoying smile ever since they got into the house. Jinyoung becomes uneasy, he hates it when Jaebeom act weirdly. It's actually not hard to read Jaebeom's body language, but this time, Jinyoung doesn't know what's been on Jaebeom's mind.

"I didn't mean anything. I mean, of course you are excited for that show. You can talk about your first love there" Jaebeom said without expression and his intonation is quite low.

"Ahhhh that's what you have in your mind all this time?" Jinyoung finally get what Jaebeom tries to deliver earlier and he could not believe that Jaebeom tries to hide his jealousy by acting cool and lowkey dissing him about this all night?

Jaebeom stays silent. One glance, you can tell that he is maybe fallen asleep. But not to Jinyoung, he knows when Jaebeom fakes his sleep.

"Come on hyung, it's an old story. Why would you get jealous over it?" Jinyoung finds Jaebeom's hand and play with his fingers.

"Who said I'm jealous. Of course I'm not. Ha ha ha" Jaebeom's body jolted forward and looks awkward because he tries to act like he is fine even the laugh sounds so fake. Jinyoung knows it very well.

"I don't know, you sound jealous" Jinyoung pouts, hoping that Jaebeom would fall for it. But instead, Jaebeom gets up and takes Nora in his hand. He plays with her to ignore Jinyoung's accusations.

"Hyung... ah hyung..." Jinyoung pouts again, wants to gain attention from Jaebeom.

Jinyoung slowly stands up, approaching Jaebeom little by little. Jinyoung does not know what to do right now because this is very unexpected. He didn't know that everything he said on the show got jaebeom mad. It's just for a show afterall.

"Hyung, I'm sorry" Jinyoung plays with the end of his shirt. He really have no idea of what to do right now.

The room fills with silence. Again. Jinyoung is not dare enough to look up for Jaebeom because he feels bad. He has no intention to talk about his first love.

"Nyoungie, chill. I told you I'm not jealous" Jaebeom said, without looking. He just keeps playing with his cats.

"B—but hyung. If you are not mad then why—" Jinyoung's words cut off when he heard Jaebeom sighs.

Jinyoung saw Jaebeom gets up, and slowly walks towards him. His heart almost exploded when he sees empty expression from Jaebeom's face.

"Let's take a shower and sleep. You are tired" Jaebeom offers his hand.

Jinyoung looks at Jaebeom with puppy eyes. He still does not accept Jaebeom's hand.

"W—what?" Jaebeom said, his hand is still in the same position.

"Please, forgive me?" Jinyoung still wearing his puppy eyes.

Jaebeom sighs. Not very sure why. His intention was just to tease Jinyoung just now but how the hell he got in this situation.

"I told you I'm not jealous. Why would you apologise?" Jaebeom is getting confused why Jinyoung taking this seriously.

"Because I mentioned about my first love there" Jinyoung explains, his face is full with guilty expression that almost made Jaebeom burst out.

"I was joking" Jaebeom smiles, and he saw Jinyoung's jaw dropped. He knows he is about get killed because he played Jinyoung like that.

"What the fuck?" Jinyoung slaps Jaebeom's arms in disbelief. He cannot believe that he just got played.

"I told you I'm not mad earlier. Why would you hit me?" Jaebeom argues. He amused looking at Jinyoung like that.

"Ah hyung...." Jinyoung sighs. He is at loss of words.

"Why would I be jealous. You are mine now. And I know that you really love me" Jaebeom's laughter fill in the room and it annoys Jinyoung. So much.

"I'm sorry. Shouldn't played you like that" Jaebeom pinched both of Jinyoung's cheeks until Jinyoung's face turn red.

"Whatever, I'm gonna take a shower now" Jinyoung stands up, ignoring Jaebeom who is still laughing.

"Without me?" Jaebeom follows Jinyoung to the bathroom, strip himself down and only left with a boxer.

"I hate you, hyung" Jinyoung said while reaching his towel in Jaebeom's closet.

"No, you don't. I know you love me the most" Jaebeom winks and grins widely.

Jinyoung shrugs. Hate to admit it in front of him. Whatever it is, every one knows that Jinyoung could not go a day without Jaebeom.
Guess who's back? Yes, it's GOT7. Please stream Breath and Last Piece a lot! Thank you for waiting for me too. I love you guys!

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