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Lexa POV:

the bellow of horns woke us the next morning. It wasn't a minute later that servants and guards could be heard running in the hall outside Anya, and I's room. 

A knock at the door signaled the arrival of one of the servants. Getting out of bed, I tossed Anya, her clothes and armor and began getting dressed.

After finishing putting on my armor with a little help from Anya, we made our way out of our room, being flanked by our guards as we followed the extremely nervous servant.

As we began making our way to what I would assume is the throne room, I observed the absolute panic as servants were running up and down the halls.

The only time I've ever seen servants this active is when either myself, or one of the clan leaders and their family are arriving that day. And with the bellow of horns waking us, I came to the conclusion that the princess has returned.

And after coming to that conclusion I could already feel the nerves creeping up my spine at seeing the woman I have agreed to marry. She is someone that has had an excruciatingly hard life and I began to feel the nerves of how she will react to the news of her betrothal.

The warmth of Anya's hand slipping into to mine instantly relieved me of my stress. Giving her hand a small squeeze and sending her a loving smile I released her hand as I saw the throne room doors drawing closer.

Guards lined the hall with large braziers blazing, lighting up the hallway in soft light and long shadows. It was one of the only things I liked about being here, the beautiful braziers and candles lining every hallway and room, giving a nice glow and warmth to the otherwise cold stone of the castle.

We stopped in front of the large, heavy wooden doors momentarily as the two guards on either side stepped forward, opening the doors. The servant, I learned is named Fatima, signaled for us to enter as she stepped to the side with a bow.

After entering, the first thing I noticed was the absence of Nia upon her throne. The second, are the tables set up around the room, and the one in front of Nia's throne.

I didn't have long to study the rest of the room before Nia came in through her own entrance behind her throne.

Third POV:

After Nia made her entrance into the room, it didn't take long before all the highest ranking members of the Ice Nation began filling all the tables. 

Lexa, and Anya, were guided to the table closest to the queen, that is set only for the royal family, and the Heda, and her generals. They took their seats giving small nods to Roan who sat on the other side of the table, leacing one chair in between him and Lexa, presumably for Clarke, Lexa thinks.

The room began filling with light chatter waiting for everyone to arrive. 

As the last person arrived, Nia stood. 

"I'd like to welcome you all to this gathering to welcome our great Heda, into our halls, and to make an important announcement." Some sneered along with there queen, and others awaited patiently for the mysterious announcement. 

"My daughter." Nia began again. "Is of marrying age now." The crowd became very curious at where this was going. "With the Rockline, Broadleaf, and Bluecliff clans on the verge of betraying the coalition, I have decided to offer my daughter's hand in marriage to Heda Lexa kom Trikru." 

 Some sat dumbfounded in their chairs, as other's began realizing what advantages this could bring Azgeda sat up straighter, and proud of the sacrifice their queen was giving by leaving her daughter with Heda.

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