Growing Attraction

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A/N: Italic words will be for trigedalseng.

Clarke's POV:

The soothing words and gentle caresses of both woman brought Clarke out of her shell and calmed her racing heart. Lexa softy rubbed her back while still holding her cut hand, that's already almost closed. Anya held her head to her chest, grounding her with her slow, deep breaths and the steady beat of her heart.

Clarke slowly began to move out of their embrace, giving them enough time to pull back and steady themselves. She nervously looked from Lexa's worried gaze, to Anya's own concerned one, before moving to get off the exam table.

She nervously played with her fingers, casting her gaze around the room, before speaking. "Would it be alright if you escorted me to my chambers?" Her voice came out subdued, and barely above a whisper. At first she didn't think they heard her, but the small smiles that came to their faces made her think different.

"Of course." Lexa started, standing from her spot on the table, quickly followed by Anya. "We would love to accompany you." 

Clarke found her own lips lifting up into a faint smile as she began to lead the way to her rooms. Lexa stepped up beside her as Anya steadily trailed behind the two a few feet away. With Lexa's and Anya's relationship being such a close guarded secret, it's best that Anya act as a guard and nothing more while in public. 

As they walked Lexa took the opportunity to get to know her soon to be wife.

"I have heard many tales of your prowess in battle." The brunette started, making sure Clarke was listening. "I've especially heard you are a master with your daggers."

The blonde blushed slightly, making the pale grey skin across her cheeks darken to a pitch black hue. 'Just like the color of her blood,' Lexa mused. She had never seen someone of Clarke's skin tone before. All the Nightbloods she's seen have all had the same skin tones as that of their parents, never being able to tell their bloods color until it was outside of their body.

But with Clarke, the instant she saw her there was little doubt to the color of her blood. Only corpses have that pallor, and apparently Clarke. Lexa also had seen that the blondes gums and tongue are black as well when she opened her mouth, along with her finger nails being the same, before turning white at the ends. 

That didn't stop Lexa from being attracted to her beautiful features. If anything, her odd coloration made her more alluring. 

It wasn't only Lexa that thought that way. Anya had thought her a beautiful picture with her glowing golden dreads, and pale, grey skin. It helped greatly that her skin tone didn't look sickly... just exotic. Anya found herself especially attracted to the scars that ran across her face, telling of her strength and prowess as a huntress. 

The black sclera of her one eye gave her a frightening appearance, but Anya knew appearances could be incredibly deceiving. All she had to do was look to her lover for that.

Clarke nibbled at her lip, thinking about how to respond. She was still nervous about being around the two woman, and was not very experienced at speaking to others. It was after a moment before she decided to just let her worries go, and not worry to much about her answers. 

"My sister taught me how to use them." She answered quietly, with a fond look coming across her features. 

"I was not aware that you had a sister." Lexa was truly surprised, she had never heard of Clarke and Rowan having another sibling. Anya shook her head as she saw Lexa give her a questioning glance.

"Oh, she's not my actual sister." Lexa, and Anya, could both clearly see the admiration on the blondes face as she talked about her. "Her names Ontari. We grew up together, but she is a few years older than me. When I was old enough to start my warrior's training, she was the one to teach me how to use my daggers." She took a pause, looking back in fond remembrance of her time with Ontari.

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