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Clarke sat in the middle of her bed, the furs wrapped around her slight frame as she held her knees to her chest. Her little stuffed rabbit, Nona, clutched in her thin hands. A small smile lit her face as she thought back to her time with Lexa, and Anya.

She had never felt so comfortable in another's presence as she was in their's. One of the things the experiments her mother had done to her, was that she got an extremely increased sense of smell.

It helps greatly with tracking and hunting along with scenting others emotions. Emotions are all chemical responses that give off their own scents.

It also allowed her to scent romantic and sexual partners. Although there is a difference in the two. When feelings such as love and affection are present the scent is vastly different.

And she had smelt that on the two woman. She wondered how Lexa could think about marrying her if she is already in love with Anya.

"It's because she is not doing it for herself Little One."

Clarke startled slightly at the intrusion to her thoughts, but smiled at who it was. Looking up from where her gaze sat unmoving upon Nona, she saw the ethereal form of her best-est friend.

"Becca!" She exclaimed happily, giving the older woman a large smile, scooting over in her bed to make room for Becca to sit.

Becca has always been with the blonde ever since she reached the ground. She was one of the only reasons she hadn't gone mad in her time in Azgeda.

Her dark, mahogany brown hair was done in intricate, woven braids that sat tightly to her scalp. This showed off her soft, tan features and warm chocolate brown eyes. Hardened, tan leather armor adorned her muscular frame, perfecting the image of a warrior queen. Which she kind of was the blonde thought.

Clarke learned that Becca is the echo of the first Heda, that resides in a chip her mother had implanted at the base of her skull.

Becca had made two chips before she went down to earth. One she implanted into herself, and the other she left with her research on the Ark for when the people living there decided to come down.

That was over a century ago, and the chip was passed down to every Heda, after she had died, leaving an echo of herself and every commander after.

When she felt the presence of the second chip come down, she brought herself to it. It came as a surprise when she found the chip to be residing in the body of a seven year old girl, alone and slowly dying in the harsh elements of Azgeda.

When Clarke was found by Nia, Becca, did everything she could to help the little blonde. Even bringing her into the world the chip created when she was being tortured, especially for her alone time with Nia. Becca held her close through the pain, being the mother the girl so desperately needed.

"Hello, little one." Becca smiled seeing the excitement on the blondes face every time she visited warmed her heart. She moved across the room, and took a seat on the edge of the bed beside Clarke.

"When you said 'It's because she is not doing it for herself', what did you mean?" Clarke asked.

"It means that Lexa was thinking about more than just herself when she agreed to marry you." Becca replied calmly, understanding what had been going through the younger brunette's mind. "She chose to marry you for her people, the people of the coalition. Marrying you would stop a war, so she put her people first and her feelings second. But don't feel bad Little One, polyamory is not uncommon here if you decide you would like a relationship with them both." She finished, after seeing the hurt and guilty expressions on Clarke's face.

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