Part 1

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"UH! WORK SCREW OFF!" You yell as you take out your keys. They jingle and clank as they slide in the lock. It clicks and the door swings open, stepping in, the floor creaks and wallows. The house is silent, a pretty big house. Two bathrooms, two bedrooms, one master one guest. One comfortable living room and a pretty big kitchen. You shut the door behind you and push your glasses up. On the floor, mail is skittered everywhere. A sigh comes out as you bent down and pick them up. Junk mail. You toss it in the trash and head upstairs. The steps moan as you run up. A smile apperars on your face. You get on a chair and push yourself to your desk. You get in YouTube and see Seán, or Jacksepticye as others would say, has posted a video. You smile and click on the video. It's Seán playing a horror game. You excitedly sit back and watch. You put the hood of your hoodie over your head and watch, giddy of what is to come. "TOP'O THE MORNING TO YE LADDIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE! AND WELCOME!!! It's a horror game!' Don't go saying shit in the comments like, Jack your a pussy or oh Jack your going to get scared shitless, no! Fook you guys! I'm a big boy!" He smiles his signature smile and you laugh at his comment. It was true. The screen fades to black as Robin's perfect editing puts Seán in the corner and the game slides up. You and Seán both sit waiting. Text appears on the pitch black screen "You Thought it was an easy game hm? Just a couple scares...that's it! Well...I'm here to tell you otherwise..THIS WILL BE YOUR HELL!" the screen shakes and the texts disappears. Seán gets a little glitchy and bloody, it goes back to normal. You smile softly "Ah Anti..." you smile a bit more and continued watching. Seán looks at the screen "Okay...I may or may not need a change of clothes" He jokes. His Irish accent coming out thick. You smile at is cuteness and focus your attention on screen. After, surprisingly long, text appears "Still here I see...very good..well, let's get on with the show" the voice cackles, a mixture between a male and female voice, with a heavy amount of static. Seán looks straight at the screen "WHAT KINDA FOOKEN BULLSHIT WAS THAT?! JEEZUS FOOKEN CHRIST..." He yells panicking. You laugh softly, your heart rate going a little higher. You sit there getting the shit scared out of you. Your screams and Sean's echoing through your empty house. They bounce everywhere, leaving that to be the only sound inside. The computer shuts off "Shit" you say softly. You close the computer and charge it, not wanting it to shut decided to watch the Chase Brody Power Hour. You grab your phone and flop on the bed. You eagerly click on the video and watch in awe... "Yo was up guys I'm Chase and welcome to Bro Average" the sweet sound of his voice echos in your ears, he continues "This one is called the Tea Bag *Makes the shot* OHH!! OHHHH!!!!! *Freaks out*" you laugh and clap "Nice one Chase!" You cheer "I call this one, the conference room, this ones hard I can't see *He smiles sweetly, he almost makes one* Ooohhhh! *Makes one* OHHHH!! OH HO HO!!!*Flips out* and that's how you hold a conference call..." you start to drift off. The video still playing. Chase filling your thoughts, you start to dream...

Your in a court room, outside. Their is crying and yelling from outside, a woman yelling and the man crying. The woman busts out as the judge smacks the desk "Sealed!" The man cries more "Stacy stop! Don't leave me! I..I was doing this for you! I can't get more!" His vice cracks as anger rises "FINE! SLEEP WITH ANOTHER WHILE IM WORKING MY ASS OFF TO GET YOU AND THE KIDS WHAT YOU WANT!"  He cries more harshly. You run up to him and hold him "C-Chase?" He looks up at you, his face wet and hot. The room fell silent as the place around you goes silent. You being shy, say nothing. Chase's eyes pleading for your help. All you can do is hold him, while he cries his heart out. You decide to kiss his cheek while he curls on your lap "She...she took my kids...I don't care if she leaves...I love them..I need them..." his voice was scared and desperate.  You scream for Stacy, trying to explain how hard he works and what he deserves but nothing comes out. A hiss comes out as Chase breathes heavily...

You quickly sit up and breath staggeringly. You touch your face. It's wet and burning. You hide more in your hoodie and take your glasses off. The pattern in the ceiling puts you in a trance, not noticing your phone ringing. It rings for a while before you snap out of it. The phone buzzes and you see the caller ID, it's your best friend Alex "Hey what's up ye fetus?" She laughs as her voice gets excited "DID YOU SEE?! SEÁN IS HAVING A MEET AND GREET AND ITS CLOSE TO YOUR HOUSE!!" You go silent.."Y/N? Y/N!!!" She yells. "WHEN AND WHERE?!" "IN THE COFFEE SHOP, TOMORROW AT 2PM!" Alex squeaks as you breath more rapidly "Oh jeez okay!! I'll text you when I'm there okay?" "Okay! See you tomorrow best friend! Love you!!" "Bye you fetus!" She hangs up and you smile. That's a name you've given each other, obviously both of you don't mean it, it's been a thing since elementary school. Sitting up, you rub your head. "H-How will I talk?" You start to worry. The shyness might take over, ruining your chance. You shake it off, there is more important things. You check the clock "9 ALREADY?!" You sigh deeply and check the tabs on the phone "I must have fell asleep watching that video.." Smiling, you curl up and burry yourself under the sheets, getting ready for tomorrow....

Just him Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora