Part Three

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"I-Id like for y-you to meet someone..." his voice shook with worry. You out a hand on his shoulder and nod encouragingly "Oh?" Seán turns around and sighs. He smiles and shakes your hand firmly, his soft hand making contact with yours "Hello, My name is Seán". His perfect smile hiring your eyes. You blush some and smiles "H-Hello! My name is y/n! Hey I just wanted to say that this was not Chase's fault, I bumped into him, I offered my help. He was innocent, so please don't be mad at him" you plead, your hands together. Seán crosses his arms and looks to Chase "This true?" Chase nods quickly "Y-Yeah dude it's all true" Seán smiles "Well okay then..I just hope you dint go telling people. Maybe your best friend but that's it okay? I know how these things work, your going to have to tell someone some day, just one person for now okay?" He smiles softly. You didn't know what he was implying but you nodded in agreement. You glance at Chase, his worries look beginning to fade. His hands stopped trembling. You put a hand on his back and rub it "see?" You mouth. He laughs sheepishly and nods "Yeah...I know.." Seán smiles at both of you "Well if you don't mind we can use some help" You nod quickly, knowing Alex was probably gone already. Chase clapped and smiles excitedly "Awesome! Okay what do we do dude?" He grins. Seán crosses his arms and explains he needs some boxes moved to the stage, in the back of the small outlet. Both you and Chase nod as both head out. He walks somewhat close to you. His eyes scanning the setting thoroughly. As if he was searching for something. You take notice and put a hand on his shoulder. He jumps some "Hey are you okay?" He smiles, his eyes close as he does so "Of course, my mind just wanders a lot. I think about a lot of things, scenarios and situations" He really seemed to take interest. When he opens his eyes once more, they glow from the amount of happiness he has about talking about these things. It reminds you of yourself. His cute face, his cute smile, all for you. At least in this regard. It fills you with butterflies, mostly disappointment. You didn't want to fall so deep in love but it was too late already. Just wish he'd see. Or even better feel the same. Chase shakes you "Hey you here?" You laugh flustered "Yeah sorry..thinking. I..I get it" "Get what?" "The look you always have. Always thinking, always wondering. Always lost. I get it now" he laughs blushing. He shrugs some "Thanks dude, always wanted someone to understand me" you nod understandingly. "Probably asking the question of is Anti actually real? And when can I meet JJ, One, yes he is real. And two when I introduce you". You looked at him stunned. He was spot on. The biggest question was, how much time could I spend with this male? Chase didn't seem to guess that one though, or maybe he knew. Who knows. Your thoughts close as you arrive at the building holding the stage. It was big, maybe 2,000 people max. He chuckles "Big hm?" He smiled softly. You nod quickly "Very". He nods and takes your hand as your still in a daze. That is a lot of people, all eyes on one person. How does Seán do it? As you come back into reality you see Chase holding your hand, leading you backstage. Your face turns pink as you blush madly. The back of the stage mostly black shades. Full with some know and unknown equipment. He takes you to the dressing rooms and lets go if you. Unlocking the door, he entered. It was as expected, not anything very surprising "Sit" he pointed to the couch and smiled. You shrug and do as your told. Sitting down, the side couch cushioning your fall. He sits on a chair in front and smiles "Questions you have?" He smiles. His eyes sparkling and shining. You could drop someone and get lost in them. You were to busy thinking about them, in reality you were just staring. He laughs "Y/N!" He calls out. You shake your head "S-Sorry!" He chuckles "Hey all good dude". You sighed "Well..Does Anti really want to kill Seán or...?" Chase smiles "Anti still acts the same, he just does that because he wants to. He'd never kill Seán" he laughed. You nodded understandingly. It did make sense. You smile softly as Chase icons his feet like a child. The eyes of wonder looking around the rooms, "Did your backstory really happen?" Chase sighed, his feet stopped but the wonder still there "Everyone's backstory is true, the calls were true..everything in that video www true. Of course Seán asked is he could leave it in and I said whatever is best for him" he sighed some. "I am okay with what he decided. It's, well it's a peak of what I'm really like". You looked stunned. He hadn't said dude or bro or anything once. The time he hasn't is when he was really passionate about something or was talking seriously   Chase checked the time on his watch and smiles "It's getting late...You can sleep over if you'd like". The idea sounded reasonable. I mean, you has nothing else to do "Yeah sure I'll stay" you smiled softly. His face brightened "Okay cool! I'll tell Seán" he smiles and walks out of the room. You take this time to snoop. Not bad, but just curiosity takes over. You rummage thriving some drawers. It's mostly just sharpies and other things.  You check three drawers. The first one was full of sharpies. Every color too. The second drawer was full of small microphones and wires. Small boxes and plugs. Moving on to the next, it was empty. Except one thing. A journal. The title read CB. It looked like initials. You open the first page and it contains writing.

Hey dude! Chase here, I just wanted to talk about today. I went to a park after hours because Seán said nobody could see me. I didn't really mind though. Anyways I stood next to this big tree in the grass and in front of me was this kid. He has a skateboard in hand and was making ollies on the sidewalk. Me being the nerd I am came up to the boy and asked him how he did it. Of course I can too but he was a little bot. He explains and it all makes sense. He doesn't kick the board too high, which is pretty smart. But I had to leave because he was 16. I didn't want to seem like a pedo. Anyways I bought ice cream in a truck and they gave me pistachio. Not sure why, it wasn't bad tho, it was pretty good :3 well I just wanted to talk about that..Bye dude!

You put the book aside, not wanting to invade his privacy. Your mind wanders, is that all it's full of? Memories? Or is it other darker things? Shrugging the thought of you lay down on the couch. Curling up so your back is to the board of the couch. You sigh softly and still, mind wandering about this mysterious male, you start drifting asleep. Your eyes growing heavy and shutting, body relaxing. You were handed to the dream realm...

Hot. Burning hot. Your sweating as much as humanly possible. The hunger for cool air growing stronger. As you start to walk, you realize where you are. The court room. Back in the place where the male cried and pleaded for your help. The monster of a woman, leaving him with nothing. You brush the thought aside and focus on the main problem, water. Coolness. Anything to quench the thirst from this hell. Your ribs being crushed by the hot air. Feeling like elephants trampolining your rib cage. It doesn't stop. It grows worse. The pounding of your head creating a rhythm, boom...boom...boom...boom. Grow my louder and louder as the heat burns your skin. In front are a pair of brown doors. The kinds that one would bust in a court room and say something dramatic. Though you wanted it to didn't. You didn't want to face the demon yet..collapsing in the floor, you start to crawl back. Behind you a long hallway. Looking never ending. But you have to push through. With all the will power you have left, you start to crawl faster. Your knees scraping the floor, your elbows banging against the tile. Making bruises on them. You didn't care. You just need water, cool air anything. You'd kill for it..or you'd die not having it. A man. You see a man. Tall and skinny, but handsome. You can't make the face out, but he looks perfectly fine. You call for his help, pleading and begging. He laughs some and comes closer. He picks you up in one swoop, and carries you. His body cold and refreshing. You relax some as he carries you through the hallway, the hat on his head shielding his eyes from what's up a head. The door. It was back. It was time to face the things behind that door..."Y/N" it calls. A voice coming from the door..sounding familiar. "Y/N you need to come with me" it void. The voice sweet and convincing "M-May I bring the man?" You barley answer its calling. The voice laughed softly "Man? Sure thing dude". The man carrying you stops walking. All you can see is the smile on his face. Then...

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