Part Five

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"Yeah..He needs an actor. Not sure why though, he could have just asked on of Mark's egos" Chase smirks "Oh..Like Dark?~". Anti fumes and crosses his arms "That's someone. I guess." He was obviously flustered by the comment "WHATEVER! He needs someone. Hey lass you interested?" Put on the spot you stutter. "I-I um..Y-Yeah sure!" Chase smiles brightly "Kay cool. We'll be over" Anti nods and starts to walk away, his hands in the black ripped jeans, walking with his head up. Pretty confident. You find yourself staring at him too much, Chase smiles "Confident hm?" He chuckles "He wishes he was..he's the most insecure one here.." he sighs softly. He had a small smile, "sweet guy though, if I had to be honest". The way he talked about him was sweet, as if he admired him. Sweet really...You focus your attention on Chase. He was talking still, but his smile, that bright and happy smile. That always showed a little sadness in what he said. The eyes, the sparkling blue eyes. The ones always looking deeper... "Y/N? Hello?"  You'd hake your head " dreaming" you smile sheepishly. He nods "I get that..we should go though". He takes your hand and leads you back. This time your able to see. Those people before..It was Marvin..Henrik..Robbie..Jackie..Robbie and Jameson.  Understandable by the way the all spoke or acted in Jameson's case. Before you know it, you were already near Seán. He smiles at the both of you and waved "Hey Seán, Y/N wants to be an actor". Seán lit up "Perfect! is the script" he took a small packet from the drawer and handed it to you. You skim through the pages, some parts making you blush some. Then your eyes focus on something..

Scene 17: Opening, park. 5 pm. Chase and actor alone. 

Actor: "Yeah Chase because i am your rebound and thats all I will ever be. Im always chosen as a back up...Why am I never first? Why are you still here with me? Do you even care...why did you come to me...All starting as me helping you get over Stacy.. But my dumbass had to fall in love with you. I just...I just had to fall in love with a guy like you hm...I guess two shattered pieces always come together and try to make something new. But it can end up making something horrendous.." Chase moves in, leans in a grabs actors face. They kiss for a while "But two shattered pieces can make something beautiful as the other piece"  Chase smiles. 

End Scene 17

Chase nodded, "Looks good like always!" he smiled bright, the blue, ocean shine in his eyes. You look over at Sean, his back was turned to the both of you. He was quickly typing away "what do you think Y/N?" "Well...Like Chase said, it was really good. Very romantic and relatable. But I think here you can word it like this" He moves aside and pulls up the digital copy of the script. His chair rolls to the side as you quickly revise the script, adding more emotion to Chase's part. Overall the same feel to the original script. Sean watches, little 'hms' and 'ohs' as you add more. Chase, in awe of your writing skills and the overall mood you have towards them, the amount of feeling and emotion you can add to the characters only by using simple words. You step back and admire the work you had added, of course with Sean creating the backbone of the script. Chase gasps "Woaj..that is really good! You should write for Sean!" He laughs "I mean if you would like the job id hire you on the spot" He really did mean it. The way you worded his fantasy and bringing it to light really filled him with joy and excitement. Now was the tough were you at acting. The last time you acted was in highschool, which wasn't that long ago but still. Chase grabbed your arm "Did you here me?" "Sorry! Day dreaming again.." Chase gave a small sympathetic and understanding laugh "Hey its all good we all do it! Me more than the average" He laughs softly, the sweet and light laugh filling your ears and heart with happiness. His laugh and smiling addicting. "Yeah i guess youre right, but what were you saying?" He let go of your arm and leaned on the wall. "Well i was going to get the script print out and was wondering if you could stay here while i run and get them" Nodding he grins and claps "Perfect, Ill be back cool?" And off he went. A small sigh and you sat on the couch. Sean swivels around and laughs "I know whats going on. I can see it on your face and his. He has a crush on you and its HUGE!!" he snickers and crosses his arms "But you...Youre in love with him arent you?" Turning red as a tomatoe, you huff "Uh no..! Im not" you cross your arms as well. He rolls his eyes "Mhm sure, And I have three di-" Before he finished you cut him off "Hey the author is trying to keep this PG13" He stares and blinks "Wait what? Mark's ego? Yeah he doesnt swear much" he smiles soflty. Standing up you pat his head, his hair soft and wavy "Sure. Thats what meant" You giggle. Changing the subject he outs an arm over you "Dont worry ill hook you up with Chase. Hes a good guy I promise" A big wide grin spreads across his face. "Sure you will...Don't screw it up Sean or I swear to god I will murder you" You say laughing Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a cupcake in my eye" Giggling you shove him grinning "Sean you would eat that cupcake and ask a dog to lick off the rest of the cupcake thats on your eye" Sean laughs "Or id ask Robbie to lick it off since hes basically a dog and a child" Both shrug at the same time as Chase is heard laughing from the foot of the door. "Um how long were you standing there?" You say with a worried look "Enough to here that adorable smile come out of you" He laughes, the same addicting sound. Cant help it, your a sucker for sweets 

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