Part four

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"Y/N! WAKE UP!" You gasp and sit up. You look around panic. Chase was practically on top of you "Holy shit are you okay?!" His eyes were wide. You die of embarrassment. Blushing madly you nod "I'm fine...Just Dreams..." you say. He blushes, realizing his on you "Sorry!!" He falls to the ground and whines "Ow..." you take his hand and pull him up "You okay dude?" He nods weakly "I'm fine...". Both of you sit on the couch in silence. Chase breaks the awkward silence "So who is the man?" You gasp "How do you know about my dream?" "I don't..I just had one with a woman don't know her name. But she was carrying me somewhere..". Your eyes widen "Me too! But it was a man!" Both of you freak "Weirdd" you say at the same time. You both start laughing madly "Duuude! That's nuts!" Chase smiles. You nod quickly, smiling brightly. "Weird..Wonder if that's the only dream" "probably is" he shrugged "Chances are low" "probably" You yawns some and curl up in the corner of the couch. Chase smiles at you and gives you more room "Sleepy still?" You nod gently "Sleep more..I have to talk with Seán and Jackie" your eyes light up "Jackie? Like Jakcieboyman?" He laughs "Yes thats the one" "I wanna commmeee!! Pwease??" He sighs "Okay Okay...". Clapping you jump out of the couch. Taking the blanket, you waddle next to him. He laughs and grabs your hand, leading you to the weird hallways back stage. Both of you make your way outside, the bright sun blinding both of you "Owie.." you cover the blanket over your head, Chase smiling and taking your hand, he starts to walk. You trust him fully, following his lead. Though you can't see anything, you can hear a lot "Who who's the lass?" A thick, Linda distorted accent says. It sounds familiar yet the name doesn't come up. Shrugging it off you move on to the other sounds, birds chirping and singing, the squirrels fighting over the one nut that has fallen from the tree..and the bickering of what seems to be two males. Ones voice more feminine than the other "Stop! Give me my hat back!" The feminine one says "I need this for experimental purposes, Doctor knows best play?" The other huffs. The disputed ends with the sound of pounding feet descending in sound. "Hm...odd" Chase laughs and greets someone "Hello!" You not wanting to hurt your eyes, stay under the blanket. "Almost here dude, gimme a sec" "sure!" He opens the door "Um..If you wanna take that off you can" he laughs. You slowly take off the fuzzy blanket and put it aside, your eyes adjusting, your in a big acting room. In front was a man in a red jumpsuit. He was posing very heroically, smiling and making little 'Aha's' and some 'Tada's' honestly, very cute and adorable. You know this man, it's none other than Jackieboyman himself "Hey!" Chase gives him a small handshake "Chase! Hewo!" He smiles brightly. His teeth white and bright, the smile filled with pure wholesome intentions "Who's this lovely dame?" He grins and waves happily at you, blushing you wave. He starts to come toward you, his walking style confident and cheery. Chase nods encouragingly "You got it!"
He mouths with a smile. Sighing, you nod and walk to Jackie "Hey!" "How are you?" "Good and you?" "I'm fantastic!" He giggles some, cute. Very cute. Too cute..Heck..what do you do? The only thing you can do..."YOUR SO CUTE!" You tackle him in a hug. He laughs and blushes "AWWW NO YOU!" It's just a hugging party now. Chase shrugs and hugs you both "BOTH OF YOU!" He laughs. That's fair, After a while all pull away "Oh so Jackie I was looking for the props Anti was going to use for today's video? Seán said he had some ideas?" Jackie nodded "Follow me guys" He lead all three to a black closet, when opened, it was jammed with stuff! "Jeezus..." Chase comments "Well the props won't get themselves..." he sighs and heads in, actually getting lost. "I'll get him!" You start stepping at all the trash and ransoms stuff, books, wands, a-a syringe...Some cards, a stuffed pumpkin, a plastic leg, some hats, a cape and..a-and a knife?!! Whatever..But as you went further in the closet..the darker it got...

You gasp and sit straight up. It's all green.Not a pretty shade. One of moss and rot, one of forgotten times, one of the memories fading. Frantically you look around, trying to see if anyone could help you. The more you look, the quicker realization hits you. It's not just a green's the bottom of an ocean. You can't breath, now that you know where you are panics sinks in. Worry and delusion come. Low oxygen, drives you to delusion. Frantic you look around for help, a silhouette of a man appears, his structure buff and strong, quite attractive to be honest. You reach out for
Help, trying to grab his hand. He seems to smile, it can't see it..but you can feel it. The war news filling your head. Filling your heart. You start to relax, sitting down, slouching some. He puts his finger to his lips and shakes his head. You don't know what he wants but you try your hardest. Leaning back more, you lay down. Breathing lightly. Now easily breathing. Oxygen filling your lungs. You start to laugh, he chuckles some. It sounds..familiar. It was softly and warm. Like cuddling a teddy and drinking hot chocolate in the winter. The feeling fills you with warmness and happiness. This feeling, hoping it lasts forever. Gives you feeling..a new feeling. Love, and gratitude. Love for the silhouette, love for you and the ocean. The invisible ocean,  viewing a burden for you, but loving that it brought out this man. The man that helped you out..Even if he seemed familiar, in your mind being a total stranger..Maybe he's real..and you haven't found him, or you have...

"Y/N!" Chase shakes you. Jackie was standing with a sad expression "Is she okay..?" His voice broken and filled with worry. Standing you smile softly "Yes Jackie I am fine..Weirdest dream though" Chase smiles, "weird dreams from a weird person" he laughs. You blush and smiles sheepishly "Oh, like your not?" He smiles sheepishly "Git me there". Jackie watches this as he squints, shoving Chase, making him fall on top of you. He gasps and lays on top of you, his hands on either side of your head. He looks down and smiles softly. You feel yourself then bright red. Jackie snickers as Anti walks in, "Hey I-" he stops and stares. A small smirk grows on his face "You guys should just fuck already" he says flatly, walking to the other wing of the stage. "Fucking ass..." Chase mutters. I'm your mind you think "Hey...Not a bad idea~" you shake it off "Stop it...Your barely getting to know him. Stop being a hoe" you sigh some. Chase starts to pull off if you as you look up at him "please stay" you think. He turns red "W-What?"  "Oh...fuck.." you said it idiot "I meant like, don't leave me here. Help me up!" "O-Oh makes sense" he smiles and gets up. Nice save. Pulling you up with him, he sighs "Well I got the props, you just passed out dude" you nod, "I must've passed out from the heat. Sorry.." He smiles "No reason to, it happens" nodding softly, you comprise yourself, dusting yourself off. Anti comes back in "Oh..You didn't fuck" he snickers. Chase huffs "What do you want..?" "Seán is calling for you guys. Said he needed an actor or something" Your eyes widen.."A-An actor..?"

((If anyone is interested in being my editor DM me!))

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